Chapter Twenty-One

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The carnival was just up ahead and Eric Singer was most excited.

He was the first one to jump off the tour bus and then he fell into a rain puddle.


He spat out whatever was in his mouth.

Tommy helped him stand up and Vinnie gave him a towel to dry off.

I saw many rides and then KISS put on their black sunglasses.

Michelle and I put on our sunscreen.

"Look Vinnie...there's horse ride over there"!

I pointed my finger to a few horses who were grazing behind a fence where there was a guy dressed like a punk rock guitar player.

"I don't think they're doing any rides today".

Paul said, but then he saw me walking towards the stables.

He reached out and picked me up by my waist.

"Heeeeyyyy"! "I don't like being up so high up"!

Paul put me down back on my feet and then we saw another guy at a different booth.

He was using a weighing scale to measure different fat people's weight.

But we all thought he was just a normal person doing his job right.

We all slowly walked over to the crowd of people.

Paul used his Kissterian powers to listen for the guy's voice since we were all so far behind in the audience.

Then, I saw Vinnie wandering off to the where the plush toys were at.

"Vinnie...what are you doing over there"?

I called out to him.

"Sweetie, it's alright. I'm looking at what's back here".

Soon, the Starchild was predicting what the guy was doing.

And what he said shocked us all.

"He's making fun of people's weight by weighing anybody who is overweight".

I was sweating with fear of what could to poor Vinnie.

If the rude entertainer got Vinnie's attention, he could hurt his feelings by making fun of him.

And NO ONE is going to ever bully Vinnie Vincent.

"You'd better go ahead and get Vinnie, cause we're leaving shortly because the weather is about to get bad".

Tommy said to me.

In no time at all, I was using my kissterian powers to teleport to the front of the crowd.

Vinnie was being confronted by the rude entertainer.

"Why not weigh yourself so you can——AAAHHHH"!

The entertainer was almost knocked off his feet and I was glaring at him.

"You stay away from him, you big bully"!

I fiercely barred my teeth and my eyes glowed white with anger.

"What the h*ll is wrong with you, lady"?

The entertainer pushed me by chest and I backed away in shock.

Vinnie stood next to me, having already figuring out why I was so mad at the guy.

"This mean guy is making fun of fat people by weighing them and making them look had in front of everybody"!

I said to the crowd.

Everyone in the crowd couldn't believe what they were hearing.

They started to boo and angrily shout at the rude entertainer.

When I wasn't looking, the entertainer grabbed a shovel and attempted to assault me with it.

I looked up, and I knew that I didn't have time to teleport me and Vinnie to safely.

All of a sudden, people were screaming as they quickly moved out of the way.

And there was Eric Singer in his panther form.

He let out a very loud roar and pounced on the rude entertainer, scratching and biting.

Michelle and the rest of the present day KISS guys ran up to us.

Gene pulled Eric away and I had to calm him the Catman down.

After a few seconds, he was finally back to normal, and then he changed back to his regular form.

The police were called and when they got to the scene, they put handcuffs on the rude entertainer and he was arrested for attempted assault on me, and harassment of innocent people.

No one ever went to the carnival again.

It was shut down for good.

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