Chapter Four

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"You know, I never understood something about you."


"Well aren't you going to look at me? Look at me."

Noah sighed. He had so many questions to ask. Reluctantly, he looked.

The outline of a person stared at him. Noah couldn't focus on him, or anything in the background either. He felt as if he had been there, but his mind couldn't recall with such a blur.

The person was a male. That was clear based on their voice. He had an attitude of arrogance, and he seemed to scowl when Noah looked at him confused. By the sound of his voice, he was an aged man.

"What are you looking so confused about?"

Noah stuttered.
"N-Nothing! Well on second thought-"

"Good to hear. Anyway, back to the topic-"


"I've been thinking Noah. I've been thinking a lot. I've thought about this whole project. About how you play a role in this."

"What is he talking about?"

"You seemed so eager to volunteer. We all thought your father had made you do it, but no. You actually had to convince him. I'm curious to what events would lead a young lad like you to agree to such a commitment."

The mans outline stared at him intensely. Noah had no clue what to say.

He took his silence as an answer.

"I suppose you have your reasons."

How can I give an answer when I don't have one?

The man laughed. He placed his hand on Noah's shoulder.

"That aside, i'll save you the questions!"
The man's smile was gone in an instant.

"We're all counting on you Noah."

Noah couldn't wait anymore. He needed answers.


"What's going on?!!"

Noah rose from the ground covered in sweat. Every muscle in him felt as if it were about to break. He yelped and fell back down onto the hard ground.
He heard someone snicker in front of him. Noah turned and glared at him.

"Hey, you're not dead!"

A tall boy sat on a tree trunk. He had brown hair that stuck out on all ends. He caught Noah looking and tried to slick it back, but the pointy hair refused to move. The boy sighed and gave up.

"Sorry if I look like a bit rough! I'm not a morning person. Name's Tony. The two over there are Zack and Blank."

Matt pointed in front of him where two other boys laid sleeping. One of them snored loudly while the other simply had his eyes closed. He looked a bit too awake for Noah's liking. Matt kept talking.

"Zack is the loud one with the red hair. He's a bit short, and he gets mad when you mention it. The other one hasn't told us his name. We just call him Blank."

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