Chapter Eight

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"Mother, are you okay?"

"Son, i'm fine. Now come closer, sit on your mother's lap."


The small boy leaned against his mother. She hugged him tightly, as if it would distract him from the stench of the alley.

The mother looked down at her child with a smile, hoping to cheer him up. The boy looked at her with tears in his eyes.

"Oh no, what's the matter?" She rocked him gently.

"Mother, why must things be like this?"

"Like what?"

The boy tightened his fists. He looked down at the ground covered with liter. Rats ran around them, looking for scraps of food.

"Why must we be born into poverty, why must we be isolated from the rest of society? What about us is so despisable? What about me is"

He began to weep, hating himself for no reason but the fact he was different.


His mother wiped the tears from his face.

"Son, in this world, there are two types of people. There is the common denominator, the people who's limit is the sky. The people who could only dream of being able to do what you can do. That is since, both you and I, are the second type of person."

"We were born different, one in a thousand. We were gifted power that could be used for good or evil, power that transcends the clouds themselves."

The boy grew confused.

"If we're so special, why do the others have all the power? Why are we persecuted?"

"To them, son, we aren't seen as humans, to them we are beasts with human skin. And because of that fear, they gather together. They exterminate us before we're given the chance to rise. They fear what were to happen if one us were to use our power for bad. They envy the fact we have so many possibilities."

"That's idiotic."

The boy got off his mother and stood. He turned his back to her.

"This isn't a blessing mom. It's a curse. And if this thing is what's stopping me from living my life in peace, then I shall abandon it completly."

The boy began to exit the alley and to walk into the streets. His mother called out for him."

"Son, come back! Please! I can't stand too well!"

He ignored her.

The boy stopped walking. He stood still for a moment, thinking. He then turned to face his sick mother.

"Thank goo-"

The boy's face was devoid of any sign of expression. His once joyful eyes now looked dead. His gaze was completly blank.

"Blank," his mother uttered.

"Noah! Blank!"

Tony ran around the field searching for the two of them. He had come to talk to them after finishing his talk with Zack when he found both of them missing.

"Guys! Where are you!?"

Zack walked up to Tony and shook him.

"Give it a rest will you?"


"It's clear they're not here. They must've gone out for a walk."

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