Thanksgiving Feast

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(Me and a friend came up with this so uh in this Roman and Virgil are dating)
3rd person Pov
it was thanksgiving and all the sides were together for one week,what could go wrong, the week had began like no other, the light sides had woken up and to eat breakfast that Patton had made, they walk over to the table to see Deceit,Remus, and Remy sitting down at the table eating the pancakes that Patton had made. Virgil had started panicking, yelling "WHY ARE THE DARK SIDES HERE!? PATTON WHY DID YOU LET THEM IN?!?" Patton walks out of the kitchen "well kiddo since it's thanksgiving I thought we could have some family time with them" Roman grabs Virgil's arm lead him to his room, calling back at the others "we will be back in a minute" the others continue eating, Meanwhile in Roman's room, Virgil was sitting on the ground with his knees to his chest, His breathing was uneven. Roman hugged his boyfriend and whispered calmly "match my breathing, in for seven, hold for 4, out for 8" Virgil's breathing steadied. Logan knocked on the open door leading to Roman's room "Hey let's all go to the mindpalace living room and talk, and Virgil please don't hiss at people" Virgil looks uneasy about this, Roman obviously saw Virgil's discomfort, he grabbed his hand and squeezes it, Roman gives Virgil a smile, Virgil sighs "ok Logan....I'll go...." Anxiety running through Virgil as he stands up, he grabs Roman's hand as they walk to the living room, As the reach the living room door, they hear whispers, they open the door and the whispers stop, they walk into the room, Everyone turns to look at them, Patton who was sitting next to Logan, motions for the couple to sit on the couch, There was silence for a while until Remus breaks it "well this is awkward" as he eats deodorant, Logan speaks up "Patton believes that it would be ideal for Us to spend Quality time together as a Family, So Remy,Remus,And...Deceit will be staying with us until thanksgiving, so they are our guest, be nice" Logan gives Virgil a death stare, Roman steps in front of Virgil
the whole day was spent in an awkward silence, Around nine pm everyone went to sleep

It was Midnight and Virgil was normally awake at this time, He was hungry so he hopped out of bed and walked down stairs to the kitchen,Virgil makes a bowl of cereal but then he heard two chairs moved, He turned around in fear and saw two people sitting there. He gritted his teeth"Hello Virgil" Remus said in a sing-songy voice.Virgil looked them both in the eye and said "I don't know what game you guys are playing but I don't trust you one bit"."Aren't we friends Virgil"? Deceit said transforming into Roman than back to his original form, "Just leave me alone" Virgil said moving past the pair. Until he froze when a voice called out after him "it be a shame if your little princy found out that you used to dark side", "P-please don't tell him" the younger side begged, Anxiety was having a full on panic attack, Remus walks closer to Virgil and smiles, He shoved Anxiety to the ground "we won't tell my brother if you date me" Virgil hisses at him "NO! I WILL NEVER DATE YOU!!" "Well then  I guess then we are doing this the hard way" Remus Knocks Virgil out with his mace, Deceit picks up Virgil and disappears to the dark mindpalace, Remus hums And Disappears.

A few hours later Roman was the first awake, he spent most of his morning looking for Virgil, Roman starts panicking slightly, later everybody went downstairs to find that Roman was wearing Virgil's hoodie, crying on the couch, Patton walks over to Roman "what's wrong Ro?" Roman holds up a note and hands it to Patton who opens it and reads it out loud "Dear, family
I feel as if I'm not wanted here I'll be back maybe most likely not. Roman I'm sorry. Love, Virgil "
Roman was still crying, Patton Hugs Roman And Roman goes to Virgil's room and Patton tells everyone to find clues to what happened
Roman was sitting on Virgil's bed looking through his photos of him and Virgil, Roman started to look through Virgil's phone finding pictures of him with the dark sides smiling, Roman gasp, he was confused, he looked at Virgil's notes and found something
It was a note saying this
Note: I don't trust these people but I'll deal with it until the week is over I'm pretty hungry so I'm going to get a snack, I can't wait to see Roman in the morning - November 25 Monday
Roman was confused even more, Why did this note in Virgil's phone say he wanted to see Roman when the note on the table said different
-3rd person Pov following patton-
The Usual joyful side was feeling down he sat down beside his husband and asked "what do you think about Virgil vanishing"? The intellectual paused thinking "it seems highly unlikely of him to do something I'll investigate more later"
Logan who could not leave the peculiar ness of this mystery alone he walked to Virgils room to investigate , he finds Roman looking through Virgil's stuff, Logan sighs "What are you doing Roman?" Roman holds up Virgil's phone and the note, Logan looks at the two "these are incredible different" Remy happened to walk in the room in Remy's hand was Virgil's artbook "Look at this the writings different pulling out one of Virgil's notebook" Remy's pointed, Roman looks at the two and then it clicks, Remus and Deceit had left earlier, Roman was pissed, Logan had noticed Roman's sudden change in feelings "Roman what did you find?"
He asks, Roman was so pissed, he yells "REMUS TOOK VIRGIL!!"
Logan sighs "Listen I know Virgil leaving hurt you but don't blame other people, unless you have proof..." Roman points out the handwriting Roman threw open the closet searching for the oldest notebook Virgil's room if Virgil was friends with them the were bound to have wrote in them and he was write on the corner of the page was a sentence. Stay stinky-Remus, He shows Logan,they went to talk with Patton, who was clean the kitchen ,to see what to do, Patton was shocked about this news, They made a plan to go to rescue Virgil, Remy agreed to teleport them there, Roman was stricken with sadness when he remembered how Virgil reacted to seeing the dark sides, Roman turns to Remy "Teleport me there NOW!" Remy agreed and suddenly they were all in a cold dark, Roman looks around to see a giant black castle in the distance, he thought about how scared Virgil might be and maybe he was in that castle, Roman had started running to the castle, Sword in hand, All he could think about was his dark prince, Roman Slams the castle doors open to see Virgil chained to the far wall , unconscious covered in blood and wounds, Deceit and Remus were standing in front of him, Roman Growled at them, he points his sword at them "I DEMAND YOU RELEASE VIRGIL RIGHT NOW!!!" Remus smiles "if only you knew that Virgil was darkside at first" Roman Growls "SO?!? I DONT CARE! I STILL LOVE HIM NO MATTER WHAT!!" Remus grabs his own sword and Slashes at Roman, Roman blocks the attack the sword barely slashes Roman's shoulder, Virgil slowly lifted up his head and looks up at Roman "p-please be c-careful....." he whispered, Roman looks at Virgil, Remus then tries to stab Roman but Virgil had screamed for him to move, Roman tried to move out of the way but ended up having his side slashed open, Virgil yells in pain as Deceit stabbed him in his side, Rage over took Roman, He stabs Remus, taking His own sword from his brother's leg and walked over to Deceit who was backing up, Roman looks at Deceit, Roman stabs Deceit in leg "DONT.EVER.TOUCH.MY.BOYFRIEND,AGAIN!!!" Deceit and Remus had passed out from Blood lost, Roman rushes over to Virgil "VIRGIL!!!" Virgil had fear in his eyes, he was hungry and tired "R-Roman...." he stutters, Roman unchains Virgil and picks him up bridal style "shhh...don't talk my Dark prince" Roman teleports them but to the light mindpalace, He Lays Virgil on his bed, Roman starts wrapping his boyfriend's wounds,Roman was crying because he was scared that Virgil might die due to his wounds, after Roman finishes wrapping Virgil's wounds, Roman patches himself up, Roman Walks over to Anxiety and holds his hand, Virgil looks at Roman "...I-I'm Sorry princey...." tears roll down Virgil's face , Roman wipes the tears from Virgil's face and kisses him "you have nothing to be sorry for Virgil...."
Virgil smiles slightly "...c-can you stay with me?...." Roman nods and lays down next to his dark prince "goodnight my love" Roman pulls Virgil closer to him and kisses him, his arm wrapped around the smaller boy's waist in a protective way, Virgil smiles "goodnight princey...."

((Word count:1549

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