The return to Malfoy Manor

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'Are you OK, Draco?' Teddy tugged on Draco's hand, clearly worried about his blond friend who had stopped in his tracks just outside the huge wrought-iron gates that lead into a stable yard to one side of the imposing boarded-up mansion.

'I c-can't,' Draco was as white as a sheet.

Harry could feel Draco's hand trembling in his, he could feel his fear, he gave Draco's hand a little squeeze.

Draco turned to Harry, 'Take me home, I can't do this. I can't face them.'

Harry pulled Draco into a hug and Teddy clasped the two older men around their legs.

'What's happening, Harry? Why is Draco upset?'

Draco buried his head into Harry's shoulder. 'I can't go in there.'

'You can. Remember, you've already done this as Samson.'

'Whose Samson?'

Harry gathered up Teddy so their heads were all huddled together at the same level. 'Teddy, this is just a bit difficult for Draco at the moment. He hasn't been here for a long time. Do you remember when Granny and I told you about the bad man called Voldemort who hurt people and your parents and I had to fight him? Well, the bad man decided he wanted to live in Draco's home during the war and it still upsets Draco, so we just need to be here for him, to help him.'

'Oh! OK. I want to see the pretty lady with the hair, she's got both your hair and I like it. Can I have my hair like that too or would it be rude?'


Draco nodded into Harry's shoulder and Harry burst into laughter as Teddy's hair turned black with white streaks on each side. It looked ridiculously wrong on the five-year-old.

'Draco, look at my hair!'

Draco took a deep breath and lifted his head, 'oh, Teddy!' He managed a weak smile.

'Will you carry me, Draco? Then I can keep giving you a cuddle, if that will help?'

He nodded and Teddy flung his arms around Draco's neck and clamped his legs around Draco's waist. Teddy buried his head into Draco's jumper and exclaimed, 'you smell of Harry!'

Draco gave a small smile, 'Shh! Don't tell him, but it's because I stole his hoodie, to help me feel stronger.'

Harry smiled encouragingly, he rather liked Draco wearing his hoodie. He gave them both a bear-hug. 'Let's do this. Right?' He tried to pour every ounce of his courage into Draco.

'Right!' echoed Teddy.

'Yes,' Draco's reply was quiet, but resolute. 'We've come this far, no use turning round now.'

'Wow! You're displaying a hint of Gryffindor courage there.'

'You'll pay for that later!'

'Promises, promises! Right, one step at a time.'

'Granny says, "best foot forwards".'

'Right, best foot forwards.' Draco's words belied his white face, but nevertheless, he stepped across the boundary line into the stable yard. He stopped again, taking deep breaths and his frightened grey eyes looking at Harry for reassurance. Harry could feel the anxiety that seeped through every pore in Draco's body. Teddy kept up his tight hug around Draco's neck.

Harry reached a hand up to Draco's face and cupped it, his thumb tracing across Draco's cheekbone. 'You're doing good.' He lent forward and gave him a quick peck on the lips. 'Keep going.'

'I want a kiss too.' Teddy stuck his head between Harry's and Draco's so they both gave him a simultaneous peck on each cheek.

Harry gave Draco another kiss on the lips, and he gently brushed over Draco's cheek with his thumb again. 'We're good. Keep going.'

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