How Things Began

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I scribbled on the blank paper below me with a half broken black crayon. I scribbled harder to fill up the page with darkness. A clear representation of being left in dark, with the emotionless feeling of nothing and emptiness.

Giggles and laughter slowly started to fill the quiet room, reaching my direction .

Looking up, I see another happy and excited couple talking another child. A girl with raven black, curly hair in pigtails was showing them Mr. Mitten. It was an old teddy bear wearing a black coat, red and black plaid scarf. The bear used to have mittens, but it was donated to the orphanage with just one dirty mitten. The couple adored her.

The tall man left the women and began looking for nanny. This is the step toward being chosen to go home. I knew within a week, the four year old girl would be chosen to go home with this couple.

Flashbacks instantly came into my mind.

Playing with my stuffed animal, a wolf named Shadow, a strange women suddenly asked to play with me. I nodded quickly, introducing Shadow to her. She pet Shadow as if he were real and smiled at me.

She visited me for an entire week. I was so excited when she came because I loved getting these delicious glazed chocolate munchkin doughnuts. She would also bring games and coloring books. 

It has been a bizarre set of weeks without seeing her. I became increasingly anxious within a few days. I began thinking a swirl of many different things.

'Where is she?'

'Did she leave to the better place where my parents are?'

"Why do people leave me behind?'

'Why can't I go with them?'

I instantly began crying in the middle of the room. I couldn't understand why things were the way they were.

She finally came into the building with balloons and treats. I was confused with the excitement between nanny and the women. Their start of a blessed day, turned into all chaos.

I wish she had never came in that day. I was having a depressive episode. It was nearly a full year since my parents  were murdered. I assumed she had left  me, too. I was furious.

As soon as our eyes connected in the room, I was screaming. I told her to go away. I was filled with rage. She was shocked by my reactions. I was seconds away from throwing things. Nanny acted quickly pulling me aside and asked me to calm down. She gave me her personal ipod with earbuds, telling me to go sit and listen to music. I was reluctant at first, but then nodded in agreement. I wanted my parents to come back not her.

I instantly put in the ear buds and clicked the shuffle button as I stomped away. The upbeat rhythm filled my hears with Nanana na na-na-nana. So What by Pink played. 

I left to the corner of the room finding Shadow on the chair. The music did help soothe me, until another child named Devin walked to my direction. He snatched Shadow out of my tiny hands. I asked for him back kindly but he laughed in my face. He claimed Shadow as his own. 

"GIVE HIM BACK!" I screamed slamming down the ipod. I reached out to snatch Shadow back. 

He backed up away from me, so I missed my chance to snatch Shadow back. He held in a position to tear him by the neck. My eyes burned with fury, within seconds I was on top of him scratching, biting, and kicking. He cried in pain as blood dripped out from him arms and face. The next thing I remember was being  forced down  to take medication. I was screaming, kicking, biting the entire time.

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