Please be okay

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bettys pov
I opened up the door to my house, very hesitantly. I knew what I would have to face. The fury and hatred of Alice Cooper, my mother. I had such a good day at school with my friends, and jughead of course, but I knew that she would wreck my mood. Just like she always does. Little did I know what was about to happen. I opened the door, not prepared for anything that was about to take place.

"WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!?!" Alice shouted at the top of her lungs.

"What're you talking about?" Betty asked, trying to keep her cool.

"You really thought you could date a serpent. A fucking serpent, and get away with it?"

She started to step closer to me and she slapped my cheek harshly. I looked up at her and didn't say a word, my lip quivering harshly as I made eye contact. I could practically see the steam coming out of her ears, and I knew she was far more than angry. She was infuriated with me.

"Oh, so now you don't want to speak? You're such a worthless piece of shit, do you know that? I sweat to god if you don't speak i'll kill you right this instant!" She threatened, looking into my eyes.

I was paralyzed in fear, I couldn't speak, I couldn't say a word. I whimpered softly, before watching as her hands snaked their way around my throat. She gripped my neck tightly and didn't loosen her grip once, even as I was gasping and struggling for air. She finally let go of me, and I dropped to to the floor, barely able to hold myself up. That's when she started to punch and kick me all over the place until I was a bleeding mess and could barely keep myself awake.

"Fucking bitch." She muttered before walking out, leaving me on the floor.

I sat there, barely being conscious enough to think. The first and only thing I could think of was to pick up my phone and call Jughead. I weakly reached and moved my phone in front of me, clicking his name. I waited as it rung.

"Hey Betts, whats up?" He asked, his tone happy.

"J-j-jugg-" I started, not even being able to finish my sentence before I went unconscious, my head hitting the floor.

jugheads pov
I had been sitting on the couch, watching a movie when I heard my phone ring. I smiled, seeing Betty's name flashing on my screen. I picked it up immediately.

"Hey Betts, whats up?" I asked cheerily.

"J-j-ugg-" I heard betty weakly respond from the other line.

I went to go say something else, that is until I heard a loud bang.

"Betty?" No answer. "Betts?! Baby?!" I asked worriedly.

I got no answer, there was no sound coming from my phone anymore. I felt my heart drop, it felt like it shattered inside my chest. My Betty was in trouble, I needed to get to her right away. I ran out the door and sprinted to the Cooper house, not even bothering to knock on the door. That's when I saw her, the love of my life laying on the floor, bloody and bruised. And unconscious. I ran over to her and took her in my arms.

"BETTS! Baby can you hear me?" I asked, no response and no sign of movement from her. "Please baby, please be okay." I whispered, but after she didn't respond once again, I knew I needed to get help.

I dialed 911 and told them the address while steady tears streamed down my face, I waited for what seemed like forever (but was really only 5 minutes) for the ambulance to arrive. I watched as they took her in on the stretcher.

"Please be okay" I whispered, hoping she would somehow hear me and wake up, or do anything for that matter.

hey guys! this is my first one shot, so i'm really sorry if it's literal trash. but i tried so cut me some slack please :)

let me know in the comments if you want a part 2

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2019 ⏰

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