Chapter 1

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Kyle's POV (Throughout the whole story)

I locked the door and sat in my room. How can I live my life without my best friend. Yeah, there's Kenny and Fatass, but none of them are as good as Stan. Why does my friend have to die? And why Stan? What did he do to deserve this? Was this my fault? Did I do something? All these questions, but no answer. How can I live like this? Alone. All alone. I can't, I just can't live like this. My parents aren't home... I think I know what I should do next. I went downstairs and grabbed knives. I held out my wrist and cut into my skin. It's my fault, all my fault. Tears dripped down my cheek. Why couldn't I save him? "Sorry Stan, I can't come over today. It's Ike's Birthday." Why couldn't I be there. I cut deeper into my skin. This is all my fault. He saved my life once. If it wasn't for Stan, I wouldn't be here right now. Why Stan, why not me. Questions circling in my head. Tears dripping down my cheek faster and faster. I'm cutting deeper and deeper into my skin. So many cuts, so many questions.


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