Chapter 3

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The cuts were bleeding like crazy. Why did I do this? I did it for Stan. I miss him and I want to be with him. The doctor came in. Now I have surgery scheduled at 12:00. Does the doctor know that I'm gonna cut myself right after? I'm gonna think of Stan the whole time. My Stan. The best Stan. The only Stan for me. Now he's gone, just got ripped away, so fast. I only need one more day. Just one more day, just to say goodbye. That's all I need. One day. I could tell Stan the truth; The secret. My secret. No one knows. Just me, and I wish Stan did. If I knew that he would die I would've told him. See how he really feels. I checked the time, 11:54. 6 minutes. That's it. 6, now 5 five minutes. Stan. Stan. Stan. That's all I'm thinking of. Stan. Stan. If I die, that's all I want to think of. Stan. That one Stan. Stan Marsh. 1 minute. Stan. Stan. Stan. Stan.


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