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random opinions idfc

McDonalds is overrated and i doubt that they use actual cow meat. 

Jalapeño Cheetos are the best Cheetos in the world. 

Spiders are creepy af. Some have legs that look like strands of hair and sometimes i feel hair on me and i think its a spider and it creeps me out

Warm Milk >>>>>>>>>>> cold milk

Cereal tastes better when you pour the milk in first

Don't assume that someone is Mexican just because they speak spanish. Jesus christ there are other countries besides Mexico that speak spanish. Besides, spanish doesnt even originally come from mexico, it comes from Spain.
(many people have called me a mexican :") ) 

Don't call a Mexican a "fake Mexican" just because they don't eat spicy food. Not every Mexican eats spicy food. 

English is the worst language in the world.

History classes like U.S. history are useless. Learning about the history of where you live isn't going to help you get a successful job unless you want to be a history teacher. 

The history behind the Beatles is more interesting than their songs. 

Cartoons from today have terrible animation and bad character designs. Its like the animators are getting more lazy overtime. 

thats all. im out goodbye. 

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