Chapter 3 A Year Later

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Chavez's POV: days slowly go by like you wouldn't believe it's been a year now since I found Kayla and he's pretty big now full grown in fact it was winter 1883 and man it was cold John had given all of us Regulators the day off to collect ourselves and to have fun I decided to go see Kayla he was still at the cave it's our favorite hideout place I sometimes go there when I feeling overwhelmed or if I wanted to get away from Steve who enjoys hacking on me it had been snowing the night before so I put on my buffalo skin jacket and my black wool gloves to keep my hands warm and made my way to my favorite hideout place usually when I got there Kayla would near the entrance but this time he wasn't and I have admit I was worried I looked around calling his name and of course when I wasn't looking he snuck up behind me and jumped up onto me knocking me to the ground happily licking my face

Okay okay Kayla calm down easy gees you scared me there I thought you were going to attack me for a minute there I said trying to calm him down

I guess he was just so happy to see me that he just went crazy which I didn't mind but I was a little cautious because I had heard stories of dogs attacking people he was still on top of me staring down at me and I stared up at him with a smirk on my face I knew he was just playing when he jumped onto me it's just what dogs did

You going to let me up now Kayla? I asked while still lying there on the ground with a malamute on top and staring down at me

He licked my face one more time before letting me up he was hyper and was the best friend I've ever had aside from my friends Buck Cross and his friend Ike McSwain and Chivato of course we walked into our cave Kayla kept nudging my hand and leg as we walked in I built a fire I was pretty good at building things like that I was more of being a survival expert it runs my blood considering the fact that I have Indian blood running through my veins after I got the fire going I take off my wool gloves that John got me last Christmas I set them down beside me I lean back against the wall with Kayla laying beside me his head resting on my thigh I stroke the back of his neck he always liked it when I did I pulled out the pocket sized double framed picture of my parents I stared at it for awhile until Kayla sensed what was happening he looked up at me confused then he laid his head on my hand I looked over at him and smiled softly petting him he licked my hand and curled up more onto my lap I stared at the picture for a little bit longer then I put it away as I sat there I slowly drifted off to sleep with the fire going suddenly I heard Kayla growling at something outside I sat up worriedly

"What is it Kayla? "What is it boy? I asked wondering why he was growling

I walked towards the entrance to the cave and what I saw scared me almost to death it was Chivato he must've followed me here maybe but I noticed he was bleeding heavily I rushed to his side when he collapsed into my arms I carried him over towards the fire Kayla was a little cautious towards strangers he gets very very territorial with me he doesn't like it when other people or other animals are near me I reassured Kayla that Chivato was safe once Kayla realized that he walked over towards Chivato whined a little and gently nudged and licked his face then laid down beside him I had blankets in the cave mostly for Kayla even his fur was thick I wrapped the blankets around him and asked him what had happened to him he told me that he saw his stepfather and that his stepfather tried to kill him luckily Buck and his dog Samson were with him Buck had shot Chivato's stepfather killing him Chivato was shaking violently he was scared and he wasn't the same Chivato that I knew I brought him back to John's ranch and took care of him it was going to be hard but I know that we could do it I stayed by his bedside until he felt better once he felt better I let him come with me to see Kayla who began to love Chivato he would get excited whenever Kayla saw either one of us

So how long have you had Kayla Chavez? Chivato asked

I've had him for over a year now "and how did you know I was here? I answered

I followed you I hope you're not mad at me about that he replied feeling ashamed about following me

Nah I'm not mad "but why did you want to follow me? "are you okay? "is Charlie giving you hell again? I asked

Yeah but that's not why I followed you I followed you because I'm really scared Chivato confessed

"Why are you scared Chivato? and damn it Charlie is going to get a butt chewing when I get there I said 

Because I'm afraid that I'm going to become an outlaw and that Pat Garrett is going to kill me Chivato said crying and putting his face into his hands

I sit next to him and pull him closer to me comforting him

Oh Chivato it's okay you're not going to be an outlaw you're a great kid you have your whole life ahead of you and Pat's not going to hurt you nobody is going to hurt you really think I would let someone hurt my little baby brother no way in hell you know that I'll always protect you you know that it's going to be alright Chivato come here it's okay I'm not going to hurt you it's okay I told him cradling him in my arms rocking him back and forth

as I rocked him in my arms I felt a wet substance on my hand I looked at my hand and saw blood and the blood was coming from Chivato's back

Chivato do you mind showing me your back? I asked 

He nodded and I helped gently take off his shirt and what I saw angered me Chivato had scars all over his back and he had fresh blisters as well and that's what was causing the bleeding to his back I had some medicine that my mother taught me how to make I applied the medicine to the injures on Chivato's back once I did I help put Chivato's shirt back on he told me that the scars were from his stepfather on his thirteenth birthday his stepfather was drunk and dragged Chivato outside and tied him up then repeatedly whipped Chivato then after he whipped him his stepfather whose name I learned was William Antrim took an army saber and cut from Chivato's left shoulder to his right kidney area and left him there to die he told me all of this crying I held him gently in my arms rocking him back and forth shushing and soothing him Kayla sensed that he was upset so he tried to cheer him up after that I took him home and put him to bed I sat in chair next to his bed but I didn't go to sleep I sat up all night watching over him because he is my little baby brother and I'm his older brother and that's what brothers are supposed to do protect each other until the spirit horse comes for us which will be a very very long time from now

Okay guys here's chapter 3 I hope you guys like it let me know what you guys think about it in the comment section below thanks guys bye now

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