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I head out to the courtyard to meet with Kairi, But instead I'm  met with a lonely Alvaro

" her bud where's Kairi?"I ask him

" he left with Madison he asked me to go with you cause he knows you don't like being alone." he explains

"oh ok well let's go"

we head to the car and the ride to our houses is silent excellent for the music playing low.

We get to Alvaro's house and he says bye before leaving to get out

"Bye Cass" her says in a low tone

"Bye Alvaro" i say to him before leaving to go across the stream to my house.

I realize that Madison's car is in Kairi's driveway.

I just head inside and think


As i'm sitting in home room when I hear the teacher introduce a new girl "Hello class, This is Madison, she is new so everyone be nice. You can sit by Cassandra, Cassandra raise your hand so she know where to go." I raise my hand and smile at her and she smiles back. "Hi i'm Cassandra, but you can call me Cassie" I explain to her "awe that's a pretty name well as you know my name is Madison," she chuckles " I can tell we're going to be good friends i think to myself "girls please quit talking before i have to move y'all" the teacher scolds at us. We just look at each other and laugh.


I remember all through middle school me, them high school happened, and i don't know what happened but she just changed and we haven't really talked since.

I don't hate her and I don't think she hates me, but who really knows.

I just decide to eat and sleep because that's what i do when i'm  either bored, in my feel, or overall just stressed.


kinda short but i'm having writers block (comment suggestions)

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