The Raid Begins

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Coruscant was bathed in night, while most were either at their homes getting ready for bed or out partying at one of the several bars or other business, things were quite different over by the Jedi Temple. Thunderous footsteps could be heard, as an army of Clones, most belonging to the 501st Legion, clad in their white armor with blue trims, march towards the Temple. They all appeared to be acting kind of like mindless zombies. Leading them was no other than Jedi Knight, Anakin Skywalker, or as he would now be known, Darth Vader. Tonight would be remembered by many for various reasons. As the group made it to the doors, they were greeted by Jedi Gate Master Jurokk and 2 Jedi Temple Guards. Upon seeing them, Jurokk rushed over and asked, "Anakin, what's going on? Where are Mace and the others?"

Vader merely ignored his question and asked back in a slightly monotone voice "Where is Master Shaak Ti?"

Jurokk answered with a raised eyebrow, "Um, in the meditation chamber. We felt a disturbance in the Force, so she wanted to see if she could figure it out. Has something awful transpir-." The Jedi never got to finish, as Vader had whipped out his lightsaber and activated right below Jurokk's neck, stabbing him in the head and killing him.

The newly appointed Sith merely said, "You don't know the half of it."

After pulling his saber out and letting the boy fall, the 2 Temple Guards immediately activated their double-bladed yellow lightsabers and rushed at the murderer. They both used the top half of their blades to collide with Anakin's, but the hold didn't last long, as Vader kicked the Guard on his right back, allowing him to put the full force of his saber against the other Guard, with the force knocking the other Guard back. As Vader pressed his attack on one of the Guard, the other came under fire from all the Clones. While the Guard did rapidly spin his blade around to deflect the blasts and killed 2 of the Clones, he was eventually overwhelmed and gunned down. At the same time, Vader and the other Guard collided sabers. After breaking the hold, Vader tried to strike at the Guards right, but he rotated his blade ninety-degrees to block the strike. However, when he began to rapidly spin his blade again, Vader used his sword to knock the top half of the blade to the left, creating an opening to slice the Guard across the chest, killing him.

Vader deactivated his saber, turned to his men and nodded, causing the troops to continue to march into the Temple.

Once inside the main hall, with several walkways above them, with about 3 Jedi walking above them, and 2 Temple Security Guards walking down the stairway ahead, the invading forces came across a young male Human Jedi, who raised an eyebrow and asked, "Master Skywalker, what's going on?"

Vader simply shouted, "Draw your weapon, Jedi and prepare to become one with the Force! The Orders plot to overthrow Chancellor Palpatine has failed!"

The young Jedi remained confused until Vader activated his saber and swung at him, with the Jedi barely activating his in time to block. Another powerful strike from Vader knocked the saber from his hand and allowed the Sith to kill him with a slash to the neck. When the Jedi's body hit the floor, the other 3 Jedi above, one male Twi'lek, one male Human, and one female Human activated their, 2 blue and green sabers respectively and jumped down, quickly deflecting blasts from the Clones. The 2 Temple Security Guards also drew their pistols and started firing, only for their shots to be deflected away by Vader, allowing the Clones behind him to shoot them in the head and chest, killing them. The male Human Jedi deflected some shots back, killing one Clone, but another Clone shot him in the arm, causing him to drop his saber and then get shot a few more times in the chest before dying. Luckily, the male Twi'lek used the Force to push several Clones away, while the female rushed in deflecting some shots from Clones, before slashing one across the chest, killing him. She then spun around, deflecting some shots from another Clone, before slashing his rifle in half and then stabbing him in the chest. The female then leaped at Vader and crossed blades with him. After breaking the hold she tried to strike both on the left and right, but both were blocked by Vader and then used the Force with his free hand to lift her up and start choking her with the Force. As she gasped for breath, the Twi'lek lunged at Vader and tried to slash him, only for the Sith to spin back to dodge, while still keeping the female in his hold. Even when they crossed blades, Vader still used his free hand to keep choking her, until he crushed her throat and killed her.

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