The Jedi's Last Stand

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The fighting in the Temple continued, as many places burned in fire. Most of the remaining fighting was now in the main hall where the remaining Jedi battled the Clones. On top of one of the walkways, a male Human Jedi with a blue lightsaber was deflecting shots from a Clone in front of him, unaware another Clone was coming from behind. The new Clone shot the Jedi in the back and even as he fell, he and his follow Clone shot the Jedi a few more times. After that, the pair joined 8 other Clones standing on the edge of the walkway and started shooting at the 9 Jedi below in the main hall, battling many Clones. They managed to kill 2 Jedi, one female Human, with a green saber and one Roonan with a blue saber. Another Jedi, one a Male Gran with a blue saber was deflecting the shots back up at the Clones on the walkway, managing to kill the one who fell all the way to the floor. However, while he was distracted 2 Clones came up and shot him down. Over by a male Ithorian with a green saber, he was deflecting shots back at 4 Clones, killing one, but the others managed to get past his defenses and kill him with some shots to the chest.

In the Jedi High Council Chamber, a group of 8 Human Jedi Younglings were hiding, when Vader entered through the sliding doors. Upon seeing him the group got up to meet him, with the young boy, Sors Bandeam, asking, "Master Skywalker, there's too many of them. What are we going to do?"

The newly appointed Sith just stared at the group his thoughts racing, "Come on, you can do this. There only orphans. Nothing can be done with them. The Jedi Order is their entire life, it's where all their friends and family are if it's gone they will have nothing. They are better off dead instead of living through what's about to come. It will be quick and painless, for them." Now finished he ignited his saber, as the group started to back up.

Outside, as parts of the Temple continued to board, a cruiser landed on the Temple's landing platform. Senator Bail Organa hopped out and was met by 4 Clones, led by Commander Appo. When he asked, "What's going on here?"

Appo explained, "There's been a rebellion. Don't worry, we have the situation under control." As Bail was starting to walk forward to check things out, the Clone aimed his blaster at the Senator, "I'm sorry, sir, it's time for you to go."

Bail looked at the troopers, before sighing in defeat, "And so it is."

As the Senator turned around and started walking towards his vehicle, he turned around right by it, when he heard a Clone shout, "Get him! Shoot him!" Bail saw a young Human male Jedi, Zett Jukassa, being chased by 3 other Clones who were shooting at him, as they headed towards Appo's group. He dodged the shots and then used his blue lightsaber to deflect the shots being fired from Appo and the 4 other Clones. He then leaped over the group and landed between Bail and Appo's team. As the Clones turned around, he slashed the one on his right in the side of the chest. Zett then moved forward and cut Appo in the left leg, before turning to his left and deflected shots from another Clone and then got close and slashed him in the torso. The remaining 5 Clones began to rapidly fire at the young Jedi, who just as readily deflected them back, even killing a Clone on his left. However, Sergeant Fox and another Clone rushed over to join the others Clones in firing at the Jedi. When Zett deflected another shot to his right and killed another Clone, he was open for Fox to deliver a shot to his chest and kill him.

When the Jedi fell, Bail shouted, "NO!" As the Clones turned to him, he jumped in his vehicle and rapidly spun the wheel, causing it to take off and head away from the Temple.

As one Clone aimed at the vehicle, Fox ordered, "Don't worry about him. Let him go. Have someone treat Appo."

Outside the Jedi High Council Chamber, Vader had just walked out of the room, with the doors closing behind him. He just stood there silently for several moments, he didn't even answer his beeping comlink, until after about a dozen rings. Once he did, he said, "Report."

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