Oli's Date - Part 1 (5:53pm)

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Hey Joy

Hey Oli, how are you?

I dunno. Not great tbh

Oh no 😔 What's wrong?

It's a long story, but I agreed to go on a date

Isn't that a good thing?!

I don't want to go........

Would it be wrong to cancel 1hr before?

lol I think you know the answer to that...


Why did you agree to go if you didn't want to go!?

The boys made me. They insisted

You could have said no lol

They wouldn't stop annoying me about it. So I said fine to shut them up. Eugh

Why don't you want to go? Maybe she'll be nice!

I wont be interested

You never know, maybe she'll be the girl of your dreams!

She wont be. Trust me

How do you know? Don't write her off before even meeting her!

Lol I just know

Well don't stand her up, that will make her feel really awful. At least give her a chance!


Oli... You have to go, even if it's just to not destroy her self confidence

Ok ok, I'll go.

What are you wearing?

Kinky! 😝 Jks. Hang on, I'm not dressed.

OMG. Get dressed and show me.

How's this?

 You look great! And you're not wearing black 😍

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You look great! And you're not wearing black 😍

I have black jeans...

Well yeah, but I mean usually you're in all black, ripped band shirts... 😆 it's nice seeing you in this kind of style!

I feel uncomfortable, really lol

Well I think you look amazing!

Thanks. I guess I'll wear it then. Still not keen on going

Maybe you will meet her and think she is the most amazing girl you have ever met 😃

Whoa whoa... the most amazing girl I've ever met is you. Just saying

Well thanks lol, but that wont be forever!

Uhhhhhh yeah it will

Don't be silly. One day you'll meet a girl who takes your breath away, and you'll be crazy about her and love her more than anything. She'll be your numero uno for sure lol

lol 🤣🤣🤣



Well I better go. I'll let you know how awful it was when I'm home lol

Oli.... Just don't make it impossible. Be open.

I'm not gonna be a dickhead I promise

Ok good, well I hope she's super cute and lovely and I hope you have a nice night!

I'll try............

You will! 😀

Lol. Talk to you soon x

Have fun!!!!!!!!!! 

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