Chapter 6

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        "Hey Luke. How are you feeling today?" I ask. He looks up at me. 

        "I'm okay. Today's the day!" He smiles. I give him and slight smile. 

        "So.. actually I wanted to ask you about yesterday.." I trail off. He nods. 

        "I figured. Look about that. I know I probably shouldn't of said what I did, but I did say it in joking matter." He says quickly. "I'm sorry I scared him. I really didn't mean to." 

        "Well thanks Luke. I'm sure that's all it was. No hard feelings. Lets take you home!" I say with a smile. Realistically I'm thinking 'I don't know if it's my maturnal instincts or something but I really have a bad feeling about him now.' I continue to smile as I help him out of bed. I don't really want him living with us while I have this feeling. I brush the feeling away and grip the wheels on my wheel chair and headout to the hall where James is waiting. He sees Luke and gives him a polite smile. 

        "The kids are waiting for you" James says and pats Luke on the back. James glances at me, probably wondering why I wasn't telling him about our home. "And, we have your bed all made up in Andrews room." James keeps his eyes placed on me. "We are all very excited to have you come live with us." James doesn't say anymore and neither does Luke. Why wouldn't he say thanks or something like that. Uh.. that feeling is back.It's unsettling. GO AWAY!! I scream at the feeling.

 ~~~~~~~~3 weeks later~~~~~~~

        That feeling has remained, the only good thing that has happened in the past few weeks is that my time with the nurse has decreased. Although today she has to come back. In two weeks I get to go back to work. I mean, I don't have to but it's my office and right now I have an old timer vet keeping my place. It's terrible. I really can't wait to get back to work. One thing that has been bothering me, although, is that Jason has hardly been doing anything fun. He hasn't been playing video games nor has he been playing with his siblings which is very unusual for him. It brings me back to that feeling. What if it's concern for Jason? Oh, my dear boy. Jason... I'm a terrible mother. I'll talk to him. "Jason!" I call. Instead of racing down the stairs like he usually does, he takes his time.

        "Yeah?" He asks lazily. 

         "Are you okay baby?" 

        "Yup. Are you?"

        "Darling, why haven't you been playing with your brother and sister lately?"


        "I hope it's not because of me." Luke says, almost glaring at Jason. That bad feeling flares in me and I almost want to wrap my arms around Jason and never let him go but of course that'd be a tad weird. "I mean, I wouldn't want to be a bother." The way he says bother sends a chill down my spine. Almost like the word was ice cold. It's hard to explain. I try to wipe it away but it just sits in the back of my mind. Creeping me out. I'll have to tell James about this. The last time I tried to ignore something like this, it went sour. 


        "James.." I request. 


        "Can we go out for lunch today?"

        "Sure, do you want me to go get the kids?" He asks and then begins to head towards the stairs. 

        "No, no, no. Just you and me." I smile lightly. 

        "But who will..." He pauses. 

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