Chapter 4

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Hellooo, long wait for such a short chapter ... I know. SORRY. 

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I woke up to the smell of pancakes.


I brushed my teeth and rushed downstairs.

Dad was the one making the food. Nikhil was sitting at the table with a whole stack of pancakes in front of him.

I took a plate and stole two from him.

The boy was too lost in his syrup covered pancake to notice me sit down next to him.

"Where's mom and grandma?" I asked.

"They're in the living room." Dad replied while flipping a half cooked pancake.

Nikhil finally seemed to have noticed me because he looked up from his plate.

"So, you ready for today?" He asked and poured more syrup onto his pancakes. 

I sighed.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

After breakfast everyone started getting ready to go. 

I changed into my dress and slipped on a pair of black flats. I never wore heels even though I'm only 5'2.

I pulled a brush through my hair to de-tangle it. I'd decided to just leave it straight so it fell down to the middle of my back.

Nikhil was sitting on a couch in the living room when I got downstairs.

He was wearing plain jeans and a black dress shirt.

"Oh good you're done. Let's go, everyone's waiting outside." he said and got up to walk to the door.

Mom, dad and grandma were already in dad's car by the time we got outside. I got in the back with Nick and our grandma.

My mom turned in her seat to face me, " You look nice." She smiled.

I gave her a small smile. I was nervous. What if the guy turned out to be some crazy stalker or something?

I was thinking about it the whole ride. I didn't even notice we were there until Nikhil opened the door.

I got out and smoothed my dress. I looked around and felt my eyes widen. 

The house in front of me was huge! These people had to be rich.

Once everyone was out of the car my parents and grandma led the way to the front door. My dad rang the doorbell.

The five of us stood there and waited until finally someone came to open the door.

It was a woman. A very pretty woman. She had tanned skin, about the same colour as mine.

She also had dark, curly hair and gray eyes. She looked younger than my mom but not by much.

"Welcome!" She gave us a big smile.

The woman leaned forward and gave my grandma a hug.

"Please come in!" She held the door for us while we filed in.

She led us to what looked like a living room. 

The room was large.

There was a black, grand piano in the corner, four couches in the middle of the room and the walls were covered in paintings.

I stopped walking when a thought occurred to me. 

This could very possibly be the house of my future in-laws. 

Though I have zero intentions on marrying the boy.

"Please take a seat." The woman led us to the couches.

I was afraid I would ruin the crisp, whiteness of the love seat I was sitting on.

"I don't believe I've introduced myself. My name is Natasha Malhotra." 

Everyone else began introducing themselves and shaking hands with Mrs. Malhotra.

The adults were chatting up when we heard a man clear his throat.

Mrs. Malhotra stood up.

"This is my husband." She smiled.

The man shook hands with both my parents, "Vishal Malhotra." He said in a deep, booming voice.

"Where is that boy?" Mrs. Malhotra whispered to her husband.

Just as she spoke another person entered the room. 

He was looking down, fixing his tie. 

When he looked up both of our eyes widened.

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