1 | ash will always rise again

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《 ash will always rise again 》

Year 368, Chen Dynasty

A bowl of cold water was enough to wake me up.

I gasped, coughing my lungs out as I sat up in my bed. My sister laughed hysterically next to me, holding an empty bowl.

"That's your punishment for not waking up early enough," she gloated, ripping off the covers. "Mother wants us all down there in five."

She sighed pitifully at me as I simply sat there in shock, before skipping out the door.

Ah, what is this? I looked at my hands. They were soft, thin, unmarred with blood. I rubbed them over my face. What joke is god playing on me this time?

I tried to calm myself, clearing my mind.

Last I remembered, I was kneeling before the young emperor, his sword at my throat. No, or was it when I died from the car crash? All I knew was that my head hurt like hell, and if I didn't drag my sore body downstairs I'd receive another whipping from mother's servants.

I stumbled towards the vanity mirror, peering at my appearance. A young, feminine face stared back. I recalled I had always been teased for having a girlish appearance, and it was one of my many insecurities.

That's right, I am Feng Lingxu, the youngest son of the minister of finance. I always had a weak body, unfit for fighting. I was also never the brightest, unable to partake in my family's business affairs. Therefore I was looked down upon by even the servants, always sitting meekly in the back.

When I was ten, I ended up discovering I had a hidden passion for writing, and was even slightly good at it. I began to write poems and short songs, even trying my hand in literature. I was allowed to learn in the palace, which made my siblings who weren't able to enter the palace loathe me even more.

Although I was looked down upon, I was so pure and honest that most people ended up simply ignoring me rather than bullying me. I didn't pose a threat to them, so I was fortunately allowed to live quietly and peacefully.

When I was thirteen, I met the second prince for the first time. He had dark, silky hair akin to the night, yet two pairs of gleaming eyes much more like the blazing sun than the quiet moon. I couldn't help but gape at his beautiful features as he passed me, not sparing even a glance at anything than the road ahead of him. Somehow, I admired his strong ambition, which could not be found in myself.

Although I seem to be Feng Lingxu...why do I also hold these strange memories of someone else? Ah, that's right, it was my past life, in the....what do you call it? Modern era? It is quite ironic that as Lingxu, I was such a meek character, while I was bold and powerful as a CEO. But now that I've regained my memories, I suppose my personalities clash now. I wonder how this will turn out?

I stifled a yawn, finally reaching the foot of the staircase where mother and my siblings were waiting.

"Do try to be more prompt next time," my mother snapped impatiently. "We have important things to discuss."

"Important? I didn't realize I was of such significance that I would be required to make an appearance at an oh-so important family discussion."

My brother coughed and my mother glared at me. "What's gotten into you this morning," she sneered. I simply shrugged, sitting down.

"Anyways, as you all know, the palace is preparing to accept apprentices right now. I want you all to hone your skills and shine the brightest when you take the exams. You all know that this is a critical point in your life, right?"

That caught my interest. It seems that I am about ten years of age now, since it's right before I'm accepted into the palace. Now this shall be interesting.

"You," Mother pointed to my second sister, A-Yi. "Your sister is already training with the ladies of the court. You must follow her footsteps. You are certainly as beautiful, and have great talent in dance. I have high expectations for you."

Second sister nodded. The bar was set pretty high for her, seeing that our eldest sister was already very famous among the palace walls and beyond.

"Feng Rui, although you are not as skillful with a sword like your elder brothers, you are very intelligent for your age. Impress the judges with your bright mind." She directed these words to my third brother.

"A-Li, you are still young. But it is never too early to put yourself out there. Your nanny has been teaching you etiquette and how to play the gu qin, no? Do not let yourself fall behind."

My nine-year old sister nodded excitedly. To enter the palace, you had to be at least eleven. She still had two years left of freedom, before she would also be caged within those horrid walls.

"And you," my mother finally put her gaze on me. She frowned, her nose scrunching up. I sighed inwardly. Woman, get it over with already. "Don't stir up any trouble for your siblings, got it? Don't wander about on your own. Even if you're incompetent, you can at least be good and keep to yourself, right?"

"Yes, mother." I almost rolled my eyes incredulously. Just wait until I get accepted into the palace before third brother, you're going to be furious. Not that I care, anyways.

"Alright, that is it. You may leave."

I immediately rushed out of there, glad to be away from the faces I hated seeing so much. The only people in this household that were nice to me were my late grandmother, third sister, and a servant boy who worked in the kitchen who would bring me food secretly to fill my empty stomach. When I get into the palace and rise to prominence, I will definitely get them out of this household to live with me.

I sat down on the porch, taking out a thin notepad from my sleeve. There were several things I had to accomplish. First, I had to follow the course of my first life as Lingxu by getting into the palace. Then I had to sell myself, not literally of course, by publishing many great works and making connections with prominent people. I would also have to cut off ties with my family so that I won't be killed when the future emperor cuts off all our heads...

Speaking of which, I doubt Chen Lin would let me go even then. If I have even the littlest bit of Feng blood, I would not be spared. After all, when he killed me before, I had done absolutely nothing to him. Hmm, I suppose I would have to think of another way.

Kill him first? No, that wouldn't be good for our country's future. As savage as he is, he is still a good and righteous leader. We need someone like that to rule our country. It would be better if he had a faithful, compassionate wife by his side to keep him from going too far. But with his dark heart, who would want to marry him? Not the type of woman he needs, certainly. He would only be tormented by greedy, power-hungry women.

But who cares about him anyways? I just need to ensure my own safety. If I can't kill him, maybe I should make friends with him? I almost laughed when I thought this. Chen Lin doesn't simply "make friends". I should just get rid of that idea. But, what to do...

I sighed, scratching incoherent characters on my notepad. Before I can do anything else, I have to write some amazing god-sent poetry or else I wouldn't even be able to get into the palace. Or maybe, it would be better if I didn't get into the palace?

Ah, whatever. I'll just re-write my best works from my previous life. And then what? Oh, I'll steal some lines from famous writers I learned of in the modern era. There's no copyright here, right? Well, no one will know. So I might as well?

I put my pen to the crisp paper, and began to write.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2019 ⏰

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