Stupid teachers make stupid decisions

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(No beta we die like men)((will edit later))
(Third P.O.V)
"Thomas Purphade and Virgil Storm."

The teacher paired the last students together as the rest of the groups sat at empty desks. Everyone stopped for a little, not exactly knowing who the last two students were. Are they even in this class?
A boy with no eyes ('freak!' The other hipocrite students thought) stood up and looked around the room for the only other student without a partner. 'best get this done now then never.' He sighed as he walked over to a beat up desk, occupied by another boy with a stitched up hoodie.
He smiled before walking up to the boy and introducing himself. "Hey, I'm Thomas. You can call me Tom though."
The other boy flinched at the sudden noise and looked up. Tom saw the boys eyes and blushed as the emerald green and the poisonous purple swirled like a potion in a witches cauldron. The boy looks down at the desk, hiding his eyes,(and his own blush as well) and mumbles something. Tom takes the blush off his face quickly and looks at the boy in confusion.
"Huh? Sorry can you repeat that? Didn't hear ya man."
The boy looks up at Tom and speaks just barely above a whisper. "M-y name. It's Virgil."
Tom smiles at that, happy to know the bo-Virgil's name. "Well, nice to meet ya Virgil. Mind if I sit next to you? We are kinda partners, after all." Tom asks as he sits at the desk next to Virgil's. "Do you know w-what, the uh, 'others' think of us? I saw how the kids reacted when they heard our names. Do they even know we exist?" Virgil ask quietly, to nervous to speak up or work on anything at the moment.
Tom looked at Virgil with wide eyes(?). He responded while looking at the desk he was sitting at. "I'm...I'm not sure." they were both really nervous to talk to each other now. "Hey Tom, do you have any friends? It might be better to hang with them than me." Virgil sighed as he looked at the other kids in the class. Thomas chuckles and scratches his neck. "Nah. None of my friends have last period. I'm guessing yours don't either?"
Virgil looks up and Tom, and now the eyeless teen can finally see the color(s?) of the other teens eyes. "Yeah, I don't really have friends, other than some kid names Dee, the football team captain an' his friends, (the other sides and Emile) his twin brother Remus, and a coffee lover who goes by remy." Tom stutters as he says his next sentence quietly, "the football team captains?! Dude why aren't you up with the plastics and A-Listers?(got the reference? winkDannyphantomwink) I'd kill to hang with those guys!" Virgil blushes and once again sighs, "because they're actually popular, cute, and rich. I'm just an emo. Not some rich, cute, or in any way or form popular guy. I'm just a loser."
Tom felt bad for bringing the question up, but before he could say anything else on the matter, the bell rang and the teacher dismissed the class with one last instruction. She goes to the door and opens it for the kids . "Please remember to complete this project with your partner over thanksgiving break, class! Happy holidays'!"
The boys both cleaned up there stuff before leaving the class together. "Mind if you give me your number? We can meet up tomorrow or something at the park and finish working on the project." Thomas asked as he held his phone out. Virgil blushes yet again and takes the phone and punches his number in, editing the contact to 'Emo Storm'. He gives the phone back and smirks. "Sure man. Oh, and tell your friends to come with. I wanna meet the people who put up with your shit."
Tom sputters and yells back as the other makes it to the schools front gate,  "Don't count on it!"
He smiles and heads over to edds parked car.
Tom enters the car excitedly and sits in the back with Matt. "Woah, what's gotten you so jittery today, Tom?" Matt asked as he readjust his glasses. "Oh you guys will never believe who I just met!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2020 ⏰

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