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24. Suga acts like a mom to Jimin.

25. J-Hope and Jungkook have a father- son relationship and J-Hope always comforts him when he cries.

26. V kicks and shouts in his sleep. He even gives orders to the members whe he is asleep. According to the members he once asked for a glass of water and then they brought him one but he was fast asleep .

27. Rap Monster chose V as the member which will be the worst in dating.He tends to think about weird things people don' t think about

28. Jungkook really likes to take pictures with a camera ^^, He uses a Canon brand camera.

29.  Rap Monster openly supports gay and lesbian relationship.

30. Jin has an acting experience. (In an interview he said "My speciality is that I've acted for 3 years" )

31.Jimin once said that J-Hope has the cleanist room and maknae Jungkook has the most untidy one. XD (HAHAHA Evil Maknae!)

32. Suga once mentioned that Taehyung always suggests that all 7 of them shower together.

33. Suga thought that V is a bad guy when he first met him. (How could you Suga ahahahaha...... V is such a cutie)

34.Jimin once said he wanted to dance with Kai

35.JungKook said that Kyungsoo is handsome and nice

36. Hoseok said that he wanted to become close to EXO.

37.B.A.P's Youngjae and J-Hope auditioned at the same time for JYP.

38. Suga used to like classical music.

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