Introduction - The White Demon.

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Bodies laid in front of me, covering every acre of land I could see. The blood pooled around the bodies like syrup as the wound stayed. Just like how my wounds never changed. Well, that is, up until this very point. 

The cautious patter of footsteps caught my attention, almost startling me. However, I stayed onto of the body I was eating the onigiri (triangular plain rice that's held together using seaweed) from. The instincts that thrived within me kept me alive, and I'm grateful. The told me to keep calm and just continue eating, it was probably another observer to try and kill me. 

"You're cute for a little demon." 

I seized all movement possible. My hand immediately went for the dulled katana (Japanese sword samurai used) to my right, still sheathed in its scabbard (case for the katana). In my swift reflexes, I carefully aimed the sword at the anonymous man. He looked rather peculiar to me; his long straight brown-grey hair cascaded to his lower back, the soft green eyes of his made me even more cautious, the way he had his hands tucked into his kimono sleeves to the way he was stanced. He was still. Still and silent as a pole. 

My alarm metre was through the roof. He could use me, manipulate me, or even kill me, to rid the town of this 'evil' they saw in me. I was just an orphan, trying to survive and if he adopts me, then I have a home, shelter, food, drinks and most of all, a loving parental figure. The idea of being safe struck me, how a home can no longer be just a foreign word for me, but also an actual experience. Despite all of this thinking and debating whether I should go with him or not, I was till cautious and reluctant.

"Don't use that rusty sword to kill, use it to protect yourself." 

He gently threw the sword at the orphaned child,"I'll teach you how you can protect your soul and sword, especially those around you." The genuine smile that posed no threat was evident of his attempt to get me to join him. 

It worked. 

I was picked up and put onto his back as he walked to the direction of his house. It was weird. He was weird. It wasn't something expecting of a surrounding village of No Man's Land. The demon was finally receiving love, care and shelter for once. He was too young to be experiencing such moments in his life. He was malnourished, selectively mute and way too cautious for a child his age. It wasn't natural. And neither was his father either. 

Time skip - A few years later. 

Well, there he was. A handsome teenager, with the eyes of a demon and hair as silver as jewellery, wearing the U.A. uniform; a grey jacket, red tie, white shirt, dark green pants and some black shoes. On top of that, he wore a jacket that had a green-blue tinge to it, the spastic brown fire that lined the hood with little bits of black fur. Finishing off the winter look, he had a blue scarf and blue gloves to keep them warm. This was his first time attending a school in winter. 

Next to him was the same man from a few years back - long hair that cascaded to his lower back, the kind eyes that touched hum all those years ago to save him from that nightmare. The kimono he wore was a light grey, completing his dark grey coat that reaches to his knees, as well as the neat combed dark-green fur, matching his son's coat. His eyes smiled with his smile, imitating a moon on a beautiful clear night sky. 

The two people were standing in front of the school, and wanting to go inside, stood a little bear-mouse-dog thing. The two little white cubed ears, with his beady black eyes that seemed to stare into his soul as well as a cat-like tail. He wore a black tuxedo with a white shirt and a black tie, completing the look with brown trainers and black pants. As neat as he was, there was a very noticeable scar on his right eyes, making his fur look more softer, penetrate and fragile than anticipated. 

His smile was genuine and friendly as he connoted,"So, Mr. Sakata. You must be the new student, nice to meet you. I'm principal Nedzu. Please, let me guide you on a journey to your rightful class. It'll be an interesting time with you at U.A."

Gintoki grimaced at the look Shoyo gave him when he didn't respond,"Y-Yes. I am... Mouse-kun."

Shoyo responses with a laugh as they were guides with no trouble, taking a left,  a right and the door was right there. The door was a dark-brown door, having 4 clear panes of glass to the left side of it. Written on it in grand red block letters was '1-A', the letters and the dash perpendicular to the ground. 

'I wasn't ready, at all. I didn't want to meet anyone. I just wanted to sleep. My whole life is dedicated to sleep. I just want to rest.' These thoughts continuously marathoned (it's a word now) throughout his mind, causing him to sweat and his heart to race as fast as Usain Bolt. The clammy hands of his as he slowly straightened his arm to turn the handle, only to be discouraged when someone else opened it for him. 

In the doorway, an intimidating man at least 6'0 (182 cm) that was wearing everything black. His scars that imitated a thick bandage wrapped around his neck like a snake, gradually decreasing in size as the swirls went up to his chin. His subtle chin held a very light beard, the tired dry eyes of his and the black belt that hung loosely around his waist. The belt had many compartments, each of them being the same colour. Despite all of this, the awkward silence that accompanied the two was hard to decipher. It was easy to hear an ant walk. 

The teacher was the first to speak, tired muttering,"Great, another possible headache." However, he quickly recovered as to not be rude but still sharp and straightforward. 

"So, another student. Get your ads inside and introduce yourself. Meet the other students for all I care. Just do what you have to do and go sit at the back. You'll see your name." 

"Sure, Mummy-sensei." 

He sighed in frustration at the teenager's nickname for him, but didn't bother to complain at all. 

Inviting the teenager inside, he made him stand in front do what he had to do. During this, he had a sleeping back. For some reason. Gintoki was jealous at his genius idea, looking forward to do the same in his hero days. 

He lazily stood in front of the class, saluting the quiet and one angry person in front,"'Sup. I'm Sakata Gintoki. My quirk is Gintama."

The whole class stayed silent before bombarding him with questions about his personal life, sex life, quirk, what he used to do, etc..

It was hectic. Let's just hope he'll be able to last for the next few years at U.A.

Try Not to Piss Off People from another Anime, It's no Good - Gintama x BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now