The Gravity Games

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As I wake up, I find the other side of the bed to be strangely cold. I groaned. Dipper must have woken up before me. I sit up and swing my legs off the side of the bed. I picked up Waddles, the saddest pig you'll ever see, and gave him a breathtaking squeeze.

I slowly slip on a sweater to hide the cold and tie my long hair up into a ponytail. As I walk out the door, I grab a can of beef, which is about all Stan can gather up for breakfast these days. I figured Dipper must have been in the woods, in our secret little clearing, probably. I get there swiftly, since no one else is up. No one wants to accept that this day has come once more. Sure enough, my twin brother is sitting on a log in the spot of the forest that we cleared out together, flipping through Journal 3. He's also writing in another book almost identical to the journal, but dark blue instead of red.

"Hi." I whispered softly. I couldn't bring myself to speak fully. Dipper looked up from the books. "Morning."

"Did you have breakfast?"

"No." He took the can of meat from me. "But I did bring some bread."

"There's no way I'm putting this beef on bread. I'll eat them separate."

We both stayed quiet for a while.

"Sooo.... Do you want to go gather some stuff to sell? I mean, after the reaping people will have feasts and all so..."

"Yeah, sure bro."

I started first. My specialty was hunting. I had a sack of throwing knives on my belt, and carried an ax wherever I went. I killed about 3 rabbits and a deer, and then allowed Dipper to gather berries. He hated it when I told him it was a girly thing, so I kept quiet and nodded off whenever he tried to explain his vast unnecessary knowledge of everything.

Once we finished, we went to the Northwest mansion. The Northwests always bought berries from us. When Pacifica opened the door, Dipper's voice went limp and his hands started to sweat. I would have laughed it today weren't the reaping. After Pacifica bought the berries from Almost-Dead-Dipper, she turned to me. "Good luck." I nodded back.

We got home quickly. The reaping was about to begin. I quickly slipped on a dress and did my hair and ran to the town square. Hundreds of people were already there.

Once I found my place in the crowd, Ariel Hirsch, the representative for the Real World began speaking about the history of this dimension. It was where all TV Shows existed. There were thousands of dimensions like ours, inhabiting every TV Show character ever. We had to listen to the Real People, our creators. One TV Show didn't. The Teen Titans. They started a rebellion, and long story short, won't try again. Ever. After the rebellion, two characters from each show were taken from their districts though the reaping and pitted against each other in a fight to the death. There was no chance for anyone, especially from our show to win. Last year we lost Wendy and Free Pizza Guy.

It seemed like Ariel had been speaking for hours. The history of this dimension bore a hole through my heart. But finally it all came to an end. Now it was time for the moment of truth. Who would get called. I prayed and prayed and prayed that it wouldn't be me.

And it wasn't.

It was Dipper.

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