The Pines Demigods

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I groaned and rose up from my sleep. I rubbed my back. It felt like I had been sleeping on rocks. I turned around and noticed I actually had been. I dropped back down and stared at the sky, racking my brain for memories of why I was here. Abandoned on a picnic? Hobo? Dead? My mind was blank. I couldn't even remember my name that good. I looked down to see what clothes I was wearing. They were pretty nice, signaling I was not a hobo and had only been here for a while. I was wearing a blue sweater with the word 'Mabel' stitched onto it. I cocked my head slightly. Maybe that was my name. Mabel. Sounded awesome. Though I couldn't figure out why I would ever need to label myself.

I got up after a while because staring at myself was pointless. I could see a city, but only vaguely because it was mostly covered by haze and fog. Cities were usually a good thing, but I decided to do a 360 before checking out the town. Eh, mostly just rocks and a few kids. Wait... People? I walked in the direction of the people and hid behind a rock. Now that I was closer, I could see that there were two kids. A boy and a girl, both dressed in weird Roman armor. Judging from the fact that they had spears, and the way the were standing,they seemed to be guarding something. The helmet seemed to be too big for the girl because she kept pushing out of her face. I walked out behind the rock. The girl caught my movement and grinned. She elbowed her partner. "Hey, Richie! It's a new one!"

The boy grunted. "Donna, we're on lookout duty." Hehe. Doodie.

"So what? I'll recruit her and you stay here and do your boring job."

She jumped off the pile of rocks they were standing on with ease. She grinned even more, walked up to me and stuck out her hand. "Do you see me?"

I didn't remember much about my past, but I'm pretty sure no one had asked me that before. "Um, yes..."

"OMG! Richie! She's a demigod, all right!" She squealed. Richie turned and shrugged. The girl took off her helmet, revealing long, flowing, black hair. "I'm Donna. And you?"

"Uhh... Mabel?"

"I can see that." Donna said, looking at my sweater. "And your last name?"

I quickly scanned the area around me, looking for some word that might strike something in me. Nothing but trees. Pine trees. My heart started to ache and I felt dizzy. Yes, pine trees had something to do with me. That was my 'last' name.

"Pines. Mabel Pines."

"Okie Dokey! Welcome to SPQR. The greatest camp for Roman Demigods that ever existed!"

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