The New Guy, cHaD

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Veronica drove to her new apartment in a daze and collapsed on the floor before crying herself to sleep. That night, the terrors she hadn't dreamt about for almost three years returned.
~Veronica's POV~
I woke up screaming my lungs out in a cold sweat. I replayed the events of last night's dream in my head. The party... Heather...Kurt and Ram... and the boiler room. Just as the bang went off in my head, there was a pounding on the door. I opened it to reveal a guy who looked to be around my age.
"Are you okay?! I could hear you from upstairs."
"Oh... um sorry about that."
"It's fine, I just thought I'd check on you. My name's Chad Warren by the way, but you can call me CW." He said with a slight smirk.
"Yeah.. okay." I said distractedly. "Well, bye." I shut the door. I leaned back against it and sighed. I checked the time and realized I had about two hours before visiting hours began at the hospital. I decided I should bring my things in form the car to make the place seem like home."
Once I reached my car, I began to take out the boxes and stack them on the ground. As soon as I picked one up, I heard a voice behind me.
"Need any help?" It was my new neighbor, Chad or whatever his name was.
"Sure. Thanks." With his help I managed to get everything inside in only four trips. Once everything was inside, I finally looked at him.
"Thanks for the help. That would've taken me forever."
"No worries. If you ever need anything else I'm right upstairs."
"I'll keep that in mind, thanks." With that final thought I ushered him out the door. I had a half hour before I could go back to the hospital so I went to my bland room to search for some clothes. After ripping open two bags of clothes I found a suitable outfit. Then I made my way to the kitchen and dug out the coffee machine.
~One Hour Later~
As I was walking down the hallway towards J.D.'s room I noticed the door was open. One of the voices coming from the inside was obviously his and I assumed the other was a nurse.
"If you keep up this behavior Mr. Dean I think it's safe to say you'll be out of here in three weeks."
Three weeks?! I have so many mixed feelings...
On the one hand, he's the love of my life and I can't wait to be able to spend time with him outside of the hospital. On the other... what if he goes back to killing? The nurse must have heard me quietly having a mental breakdown because she said "Mr. Dean I believe you have a visitor."
I guiltily crept to the doorway. J.D. beamed when he saw me.
"Hi Ronnie!"
"I'll give you some privacy." The nurse said as she shuffled away.
J.D. patted the bed next to him and gestured to me. I went over and sat down, leaning my head against his chest.
"I moved into my new place today."
"Oh! How's that?"
"It's not bad. The apartment is actually pretty nice. It has two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen."
"That's pretty spacious. Have you met any of your neighbors yet?"
"Yeah, I met one this morning. He helped me bring my boxes in." That caught his interest.
"He?" He visibly tensed.
"Yeah, his name is Chad or something."
"Oh." He chuckled. "He can't be that important if you don't remember his name." He relaxed.
"Of course not. You're the most important thing in my life."
He kissed my forehead. "I love you Ronnie."
I made a noncommittal noise and closed my eyes. He thankfully let it go and I drifted to sleep.
~?'s POV~
I knocked on the door to her apartment. She opened the door looking distracted but gorgeous. We had a conversation, but she wasn't paying attention. That made my blood boil. What could be more important than me? I kept my cool in front of her though.
Later, I found her outside taking boxes to her apartment. I offered to help, and when we were done she gave me a smile and thanked me profusely. I decided then that she would be mine.

A/N~ I have a lot of emotions about this chapter. New character...he's interesting. More JD in the future so that's fun. Veronica didn't say it back.... and she also has a stalker? Also JD being soft just makes me so happy. Thanks again to my editor for putting up with me. Love you Preppy_Theatre_Chick <3

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