The Breakfast Club

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~Veronica's POV~
I smoothed out my skirt as I stepped out of my small blue car. We had just just arrived at a place called 'Satisfied'. It must be new, because I know for a fact that it wasn't here when I lived here.
"This is it, right?" J.D. asked as he too stepped out of the car.
"I'm pretty sure this is where cHaD said to meet..."
"Yep, this is where I said to meet!" He said as he came up behind me.
"F*ck me gently with a chainsaw! You scared me!"
J.D. stared at me.
"Veronica? A word?" He led me a few feet away from the car. "What the hell was that?"
"It was an accident! She's been rubbing off on me recently."
"She's dead, Veronica!"
"And who's fault is that?!"
"We'll talk about this later."
We walked back to where cHaD was standing.
"Everything all right?"
"Just peachy." I muttered. "Let's go."
When we walked in we were immediately greeted by a waitress.
"Hi, my name is Angelica and I'll be your server this morning. Let me know if you need anything!" She passes out menus and left.
"What are you getting, V?" cHaD asked.
"My favorite of course. Blueberry pancakes."
J.D. chuckled. "I remember that. We used to go to Denny's at four am to have pancakes. I'm pretty sure those servers hate us." (LIV THAT REFERENCE WAS FOR YOU)
I smiled as I remembered. "Oh yeah! Didn't we do that the night of the party after we..." I blushed.
He cleared his throat and smiled sheepishly. "Yeah. cHaD, what are you getting?"
"I'm not sure yet. Maybe an omelette."
"I myself am a personal fan of chocolate chip pancakes."
After everything was sorted out we called our waitress over and ordered. J.D. and I decided to split our pancakes. It was great.
~cHaD's POV~
Damn. I was hoping it would be just her. Luckily for me, they started fighting as soon as I showed up. It was probably because of what Veronica said... I'll have to look into that later. At least the omelette was good. Talk dark and emo offered to pay, and here I was thinking chivalry was dead. Once we get back to the apartment, phase a will begin. They won't know what hit them

A/n~ Itty bitty baby chapter. Tbh I completely forgot that I started this chapter... oops. Anyways, hope you enjoy! Thank y'all so much for almost 1k reads!! <3

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