chapter one // prt.2 ( minor/maj.)

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third person

Kaio opened his locker quickly, slipping off his backpack. The day was ordinary for him. Another solid 6 and half hours wasted on shit he wasn't going to remember the minute he would reach home. His mother was the only reason he forced himself to go. He didn't wanna deal with her mouth so early in the morning.

He chuckled silently to himself. " annoying bitch..", he mumbled.

Since he was a child, he's never had a healthy relationship with his mother. She wasn't a drop out or anything. But let's call her.... an extreme sadist.

" thinking about ya ma huh?", Kaio slammed his locker closer to the sound of his boyfriend's voice, an unwanted smirked formed.

Only his boyfriend of 8 months could kick him out of a bad mood. His extrovert personality fit in his introverted puzzle piece, Smoke could get him to do anything, and he meant anything.

Kaio looked up to see Smoke's concerned smirk.

" she didn't hurt you did she?", Smoke asked.

" no..", Kaio turned towards him, leaning his body against the locker. " she's just being a bother as usual.", he said.

Smoke lean down, giving Kaio a loving kiss. Their eyes fluttered closed as they enjoyed the bliss.

This was their favorite part of the day. Not being ashamed for being happy. It took a while for Smoke to admit his feelings about them, but he realized how much he shouldn't have cared the first 3 months of their relationship. Not in school anyway...

Kaio pulled away softly, looking up at his boyfriend with a calm smile. " we should get to class."

Smoke bites his lip. " alright.", he muttered, he grabs his hand softly, nothing but a sweet smile on his face as he locks his fingers tight. Smoke pulls Kaio along down the hallway.

" so my ma's noticed I've been out a lot lately.", Smoke says.

" really? Is she asking a lot about it?", Kaio's stomach slowly drops.

" yeah, she wanted to know what was keep me out all night, and I was worried she was gonna start questioning about the Blancos..", Smoke spoke.

Kaio's head began to pound to the sound of that name. He knows about Smoke's hobby, everyone does really. Everyone, including Kaio himself knew how dangerous it was to be with a high member of one of the most respected gangs this city has, but that didn't stop his feelings towards him.

At those moments he didn't care. But he still worries that he's gonna lose his true love one of these days to something so lame as a pound of some stupid drug he wasn't interested in.

They turn into a hall, standing right in front Kaio's first class.

" so I told her about.. us.", he said.

Kaio's heart dropped. " w-what, wait isn't she?"

" she is, but she doesn't know everything. She wants to meet babe.", he said.

Kaio was worried. Smoke's mother was a nice and respected woman in the community. But from what his boyfriend has told him, she's close-minded and ruthless towards anyone that wasn't... straight. He couldn't imagine what she would do to her son.

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