The Plague (The Mark of Nimueh)

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A plague besets Camelot.


Chapter Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 3844
Content Warning: None

Sorry I didn't post on time; between getting ready for Thanksgiving and the fact that I was sick I completely forgot.

And all the characters are owned by Julian Jones and Shine Limited.

Credits at the end.

Merlin was still reeling from the afternoon before, when he'd walked in on Arthur and Morgana kiss. He couldn't get that moment out of his brain, that stupid little grin on Morgana's face, how Arthur cupped her cheek... It was torturous. Try as he might to banish it, it haunted him each time he closed his eyes.

"Merlin!" someone called from behind him. Startled, Merlin turned to see Gwen running towards him with a bouquet of flowers in her hand.

"Gwen!" he said, doing his best to push Morgana to the back of his mind. "Um... someone got you flowers?"

"Oh, no," she said with a small smile and giggle. "Would you like one? A purple one. Purple suits you!"

Purple, like Morgana's dress...

Merlin dropped his eyes, mentally chiding himself for such an irrelevant thought. "Not that I'm saying red doesn't suit you!" Gwen exclaimed nervously.

Merlin smiled in an attempt to calm her. "Thanks, well, uh..." he tucked the purple flower into his scarf. Gwen broke into a smile. "Uh... see you," he said awkwardly.

"Bye!" Gwen called after him with a little wave. He felt her eyes on his back as he walked away.

Merlin obsessed over the exchange for the rest of the night. It was obvious that Gwen had a crush on him; why else would she always behave like that when they were together? She was a kind girl with a big heart, did he... well, could he...

Merlin heard the front door of Gaius's chamber thrust open and the muffled voice of a royal page. After a moment, the talking ceased and door slammed, so Merlin crept out of his room. "What's going on?" he asked.

"There's been an outbreak of illness in the lower town. The King wants us to examine the first victim." Gaius seized his work bag and scurried out the door with a, "Hurry along, Merlin!"

They rushed to a small house in the lower town... a house Merlin recognized. "Oh no..." he whispered as Gaius knocked on the door. To his horror, the young mother Merlin had met on his first day in Camelot opened the door.

"Isolde," she introduced herself, though her voice was weak, not at all like when they'd last met. "The King sent you?"

"Yes," Gaius said. "Can I see your daughter?"

"Evette's this way," she said in that breathy tone, as though she were seconds from tears.

The spirited girl with the fiery red hair was in a heap, barely breathing, with white skin and blue veins sticking out of her forehead. "Can you save her?" Isolde asked.

"I can try," Gaius said, "but it's not something I've ever seen before." A helpless noise came from Isolde's lips. "I need to bring Evette back to my chambers, examine her further."

"Take her, then," she whimpered. "Please, she's only a baby..."

Gaius took Isolde's hands in his. "I will do everything in my power to save her. If you could wrap her in some blankets before we carry her outside? We don't want her to cause a panic."

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