The Poisoned Chalice

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A beautiful servant named Cara charms Merlin into a fatal mistake.


Chapter Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 3994
Content Warning: None

This chapter went from 4634 words to 3994. I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF! (Yeah, I love to ramble.)

And all the characters are owned by Julian Jones and Shine Limited.

Credits at the end.

Ten days passed without incident. The date of Arthur and Morgana's wedding was coming closer and closer, but Merlin almost didn't care. Just as he'd predicted, his engagement to Gwen increased his happiness ten-fold. Tom readily accepted him as a son, inviting him over for dinner every night and laughing through it all the way. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you had moved out already," Gaius teased him.

But, he should've realized his luck wouldn't last for long. In fact, the Great Dragon was probably laughing at him down in his cavern for even attempting a normal life in Camelot.

Merlin and Gaius bustled around the castle as Uther, Arthur, and the royal kingsguard met with King Bayard of Mercia. Merlin carried a bag that weighed as much as a horse.

"Why do I always get landed with the donkey work?" he complained.

"You're a servant, Merlin. It's what you do," Gaius brushed him off.

"My arms will be a foot longer by the time I get this lot inside."

"It's character building. As the old proverb says, hard work breeds..." Gaius paused for longer than was natural. "...a harder soul.

Merlin couldn't help but smile. "There is no way that's a proverb. You just made that up."

"No. I didn't," Gaius protested.

That's when a female servant fell right in front of him. She apologized, and Merlin helped her pick up the linens that had fallen on the floor. When he stood and caught her eye... he'd never seen such a beautiful woman... with eyes so blue... he could barely manage to remember his name...

"Hi. I'm, uh... Merlin."

"Cara. You're Arthur's servant? That must be such an honor."

Merlin straightened up. "Oh, yeah. It is. Well, you know, someone's got to keep the place running."

"Thank you, Merlin."

"Hmm?" Why was she thanking him? She motioned to a bundle in his hands... a pillowcase... right, he was helping her to pick up the linens.

"Oh, right. Yeah. Uh, no problem." He thrust it into her hands.

"It was nice meeting you," Cara said. Merlin couldn't take his eyes off of her as she walked down the hall.

"Merlin, you're engaged," Gaius reminded him.

"What?" Merlin asked, blinking a few times. Suddenly, he felt horribly embarrassed. He didn't mean to... she was just so beautiful...

"Shouldn't you be busy running the place?" Gaius pressed, teasing. Merlin sighed and continued on with his too-heavy-to-carry bag.

Later, at the feast, he stood by the door in the "official robes of the servants of Camelot" that custom (read: Arthur) required him to wear. While the male servants were dressed in the same red garb, none of them wore that awful hat with the oversized feather.

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