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"Adora gets everything she wants!"Catra took a breath and moved her hair back in place. "But not this time. This time, I am going to win. I don't care what it takes, we are opening that portal. Now!"

"No! I won't. I need to tell Hordak, he'll understand," As soon as she turned, Entrapta fell to the floor as the world around her gone dark.


Entrapta touched the back of her with her own hand. She remembered it was Catra who had done that. But she's making up for it. For all the evil she's done.

Something hit her.

He could've stopped her. If he knew, why didn't he stop her or why didn't he come to look for her? That could've proved his feelings towards her. His friendship.

As Entrapta and Emily strode through the endless forest of trees, the beats of her heart kept increased with nearly every step she took. She placed a tiny piece of food from her pocket.

"BREEE!" Emily beeped.

"This was only my fifth one," Entrapta hummed.

Emily beeped again. Entrapta gave her a playful nudge on her side.

"Emily, may I ask something?" She asked.

Emily nudged against her, answering with a happy beep.

"Did anyone miss me when I was gone? Besides Scorpia,"

Emily bumped into her again. Entrapta hugged the bot in a tight hug. Emily bleeped again.

"Thank you for being honest with me, girl," Entrapta patted Emily on the top. She was a bit sad that the bot didn't mention anyone else.

Emily bleeped at a sound. A whistling sound. Incoming from the sky was some kind of ball. Green, silver, coming straight towards them. Emily pushed Entrapta behind her as the ball came at her with an explosion.

Entrapta fell back to the ground as she felt her head aching. She saw Emily on the ground, burned, and barely moving.

"Emily!" Entrapta ran up to her. She shook the bot to wake her but Emily didn't move. She took a couple of tools and shocked the bot's wires. The lights on the side of Emily began blinking dimly.

The bot gave a low sound in response.

"You're ok!" Entrapta cheered.


"No, I'm not going without you, you could help!" She sadly shouted but she couldn't let the guards near hear her.

Emily directed Entrapta towards the ship which was not that guarded as the other sides of the ship were. Entrapta got the idea of what Emily was saying. Entrapta stood on her own legs as she laid her hands on Emily.

"If those soldiers find you, you could get hurt," The princess gulped.


"I know you can take care of yourself but the others are somewhere in the woods. They probably don't we're here," Entrapta argued again.

𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝, 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛 𝚋𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz