[ 1 ] Band Brothers

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Summary ; Thanksgiving always held quite a unique tradition, as Roxy liked to call it. It held the time of wrestling with her brothers, which was always an amazing time for the record, and this particular time, Matt and Brad figure out where her weak spots are.

Characters ; Roxy [ My character ] , Matt Walst , Brad Walst

Backstory ; So, on Thanksgiving, my uncle and I always wind up wrestling each other, and of course I'm always the one getting the brunt of it since I'm a lot smaller then him.

A / N ; Not all of this is actually true, but majority of it did happen, but I just wanted to add my own little twist to things.

Word count ; 1184 words

~ Roxy's Point Of View ~

I always enjoyed Thanksgiving, I have to say aside from Christmas, it's probably my most favorite holiday, not for the presents or food like everyone else wants, no, the fact that I get to spend time with my brothers and the band, since they're usually always on tour and it's hard for them to make any time for me. Of course I understand since they are in a well known band and have to travel just about, if not all the time, although when the time comes around the holiday's, they're always home with me.

Currently, I was sitting between Brad and Matt, listening to the conversation that was occurring between my two older brothers along with Neil and Barry, kind of just doing my own thing really, aside from continually poking and playfully punching Matt here and there, and he was tough, so I knew he could take it. Granted I knew at some point Matt would retaliate, and surely Brad was to follow, since the two of them were pretty much an inseparable duo.

Though, at some point when I went to give Matt a noogie, he grabbed my wrist and caught me by surprise, to which I did my best to fight back, only to have my left arm pinned above me, while my right arm was still attempting to fight off the elder, yet he was much stronger than I was. "Matt, no!" I squealed as I began to giggle out softly already, the anticipation running through my veins as I glanced up to see Brad's face stitched with that shit eating grin my two brothers possessed whenever they got me into a corner like this, which was often whenever they were home.

"I think you need to learn your lesson about hitting people, kiddo, make sure it doesn't happen again." Matt spoke, the playfulness echoing in his voice, with that grin piercing over his lips as well, to which my gaze instantly moved over to Brad in a plea for help, without indirectly speaking. He could easily read my facial features before chuckling softly, placing a hand on my bare shin, considering I was wearing shorts. It often got rather hot in our house when it came to Thanksgiving time, since we had a lot of food to cook. "Sorry kiddo, I think I agree with Matt on this one." He teased and I growled playfully at my eldest brother before threatening, "I will kick you!" I warned, but before I could even hear a response, I was in hysterics, laughter pouring out of me like a wild waterfall.

Matt's pointer finger was wiggling around in the hollow of my underarm, putting me into absolute hysterics, causing me to throw my head back as I thrashed wildly on the couch, attempting to pry my elder brothers hand off of me, with little success. Though, what made it worse was I heard Matt's voice say clearly to Brad, "Now you can get her knees, bro." And I peeked my eyes open to see Brad inching towards my knees, and in reaction I kicked out, only to have his legs swoop over mine, trapping me, which left my two weak points vulnerable to my brothers.

With the position I was in now, I was pretty much defenseless between my two brothers whilst Neil and Barry were grinning wildly as well, clearly enjoying the scene that was playing out right before them, while I was left here with my two brothers that had free range to do whatever they felt like. I knew that neither of them would ever hurt me, and it was all nothing but good and playful fun, plus, this was the third Thanksgiving in a row that this became tradition.

Meanwhile, I was put in hysterical laughter between my two brothers skillful tactics until I felt Matt retract his finger alongside Brad's as well, the two looking down at me. "Mercy?" Matt grinned, looking down at me, my face red like a tomato as my head rested in his lap, since I wasn't able to really move elsewhere. "No way," I stubbornly replied, sticking my tongue out at him before I glanced up to see grins exchanged between my two elder brothers, and knew that I had just started a war, or riot, if you will.

Matt's head then turned down to meet my eyes, which were beaming with happiness, since I was just able to go and spend time with my brothers and the others. "You still ticklish?" He asked, and I felt my face flush and burn bright red upon being asked this question. Of course I was still ticklish, obviously, but I was about as stubborn as a mule, and both Brad and Matt always took advantage of that when they were rewarded the chance, which I mean, it kind of ran in the family, taking into accountability that they were the same way. "No," I instantly replied, before a soft chuckle left both boys, and I instantly knew what was to come, and I was in for a world of laughter. Just a mere moment later, my assumptions were correct as I had previously guessed.

Matt's fingers dug back into the hollow of my underarm, while I felt Brad's fingers begin to knead the hypersensitive skin on my knees, while I practically screamed in ticklish agony, writhing around in the elders grips, while I heard soft laughter leaving the four males lips, at just how truly ticklish I was. It wasn't like I could exactly help the fact that I was ticklish, it was just genetics, even if sometimes they got you into a bit of a pickle, whilst having older brothers.

Though, after a moment or so, they stopped, and I managed to brush the hair away from my vibrantly red face, before meeting the oceanic blue eyes of my brothers, my own catching both of their gazes looking at me as I attempted to catch my breath, which was an easy task. "Mercy?" Matt asked once more, and this time, I knew that I didnt have the energy to go and say no again, so I replied, "Mercy." With my lips stitching a small smile as I managed to sit up, and closely wedge myself between both of my big brothers.

This had been the best Thanksgiving in a while.

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