[ 2 ] Family Gatherings

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Summary ; The Winchester family attends a gathering with friends of Mary Winchester and things seem to go awry really quick.

Characters ; Roxy [ My Character ] , Mary Winchester , John Winchester , Dean , Sam and Adam Winchester , Aaron Winchester [ My character ] , Mason [ My character ]

Backstory ; On 12 / 15 / 19 , I had my little cousins birthday party , and one of the little brats there was trying to go after my four year old cousin

~ Roxy's Point Of View ~

I fiddled with the soccer ball that layed in my lap as my eyes darted outside of dad's truck, whilst my ears were greeted by the sounds of my brothers obnoxiously loud music, and the conversation from mom and dad. I was excited for the gathering today, since I would be able to see Mason, Matthew and Melanie, the three little kids who were like cousins to me, and all three of them absolutely adored me. The thought made me smile softly as I snapped back to reality from my thoughts as I noticed the park come into view, where people were all talking with each other and little kids running around on the playground and just all around the park in general. I was really familiar with this park, as Sam and Dean would take Aaron and I here when we were really young, when dad was out on a hunt.

As we pulled into the parking lot amongst all of the other cars, I looked over to see my three other brothers parked right beside us as all of us filed out, the car doors slammed in a beat like pattern. "Now, these are really good friends of mine and some family is here, so all I ask is that you guys behave." Mom said sternly, although I could tell by her tone of voice she practically pleaded for us all to behave, and her eyes mostly stayed focused on Aaron and I, considering in our teenage phases we were pretty much the troublemakers of the family, or so we were deemed. I just decided to speak for both my brother and I, therefore I gave a nod to our mother before saying, "Okay mom, we will." I couldn't promise, just for the sake of not breaking any promises if it came to that.

All of us made our way over to where mostly all of the adults were gathered, and I took instant notice of seeing my grandfather who wasn't exactly too fond of my twin and I, so we hardly acknowledged him unless he did first. Though, mom walked right up to him, and I glanced over at dad, who seemed to read my mind and just lightly patted my shoulder, in which I sighed softly and slipped my hands into my pockets.

"Hey Mare, you're looking as great as ever, seems like all is well with you." Samuel said as his eyes instantly darted down to Aaron and I, which neither of us really chose to acknowledge him, Aaron locking his gaze to his phone, while I just rocked slightly on my heels and kept my gaze down to my feet. "Still not finding your manners at family gatherings, huh Aaron?" Samuel made the comment we had all been expecting, just as I could tell mom grew nervous before siding with him. "Right, Aaron, take out your ear buds." Mom instantly spoke, as he looked up at her before over to dad, who was tense as hell, with gritted teeth he replied, "Aaron, you're fine, why don't you two go off and play ball or something while mom and I talk with your grandfather?" Dad defended before the two of us nodded and just walked away, but not without receiving one final death glare from our grandfather, which was nothing exactly unknown to us.

I muttered some curse words under my breath before glancing over to my brother as the two of us walked off to the building that held an indoor gym, where we often spent most of our time at gatherings. "I hate him so much, he is so rude to us and I can tell that dad doesn't like him at all." I said with a hint of anger spitting in my tone and voice, as Aaron nodded before replying, "I know, it's not like we ever did anything wrong purposefully, we're teenagers, and we're going to make stupid choices. It's also annoying he criticizes mom and dad so much for their parenting style." He added, sighing as we sat down at one of the tables, observing as kids ran around and screamed and all of that fun stuff that little kids found the most entertaining things in the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2019 ⏰

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