Chapper 2: Slither all up in my Guts you Danky Stanky Whore

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Sanjay woke up screaming about how he didn't want to become one of Satan's children before Craig threw a bucket of cum into his face (like how the CIA agents did after they arranged Epstein's faked death), then slithered around the floor, sucking up all of the cum like a sponge.
"Dude bro? What happened?" Sanjay asked wondering why he was tied up to a chair and why there was a ball gag around his neck.
"I think they roofied our wings," Craig said. "I was able to wake you up in the nick of time before your mouth would've started foaming."
"Thanks," Sanjay replied, slapping Craig on his green buttock as a sexual favor.
"Touch me again and you'll have a lawsuit on your hands," Craig said. There was awkward silence until Craig clarified and said "Just kidding! White people can do whatever they want." This cracked up Sanjay so much that in the midst of laughing, he coughed up the fetus of a 7 month old dog. Craig struck it lightning fast and ate it whole.
"Good one bro. I have a reward for you, Craig... Winky face." Sanjay said.
"What the fuck do you mean 'winky face'? Are you even aware of how out of touch you seem and how pathetic anyone who hears you w-"
"Sex is real."
"Yes," Sanjay said, "And I will bare your children."
This is the part where I need to take a break and specify: this is not, NOT, in any way, sexualizing minors. I would also like to clarify with a classic: Sanjay is a 300 year old demon in the body of a "boy". Also, I hated saying that. Please do not take it seriously. Anyways,

Erotic Sanjay and Craig FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora