Part 3 - Sex

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Sanjay blended over in submission, ready for Craig'a iron stature in his body. All Craig did was lick the crust around his butthole.
"Come on man, what's the holdup?"
"Sorry dude," Craig said as he crossed his non-existent arms and put on glasses, "I don't believe in premarital sex."
"THE POPE IS NOT REAL!!" Sanjay screamed as he shook around Craig.
"Well that changes everything." Craig said. He lathered himself in sunscreen because they had ran out of lube and Sanjay laid down for Craig. "Alright, here I go!" Craig said as he dove into Sanjay's arse. At first the sunscreen burned against the wall of his anus but the pleasure overtook the pain.
"Wow dude, you're really tight." Craig muttered inside of Sanjay. "I'll have to... loosen you up." Sanjay began to squirm what wasn't inside Sanjay's body and ripped his asshole.
"Woah dude, free lube! Keep on doing what you're doing!" Sanjay said as blood spilled out from his torn cheeks.
Craig muttered sure and kept squirming. Once they had sufficient lube, Craig continued the probing and hit Sanjay's twenty g-spots.
"Oh Craig! More! Yes!" Sanjay pleaded.
"Mmm! Corn chips!" Craig said as the walls of Sanjay's colon muffled him. Sanjay was a bit sad because he was saving those for later, but it was nothing compared to the pleasure.
Suddenly, Sanjay's micro peener grew to a whopping 32 inches long and slammed him against the ceiling near instantaneously. He splattered cum all over the walls and stained the room white permanently.
Craig rocketed out of Sanjay's rear and saw the golden rod of pleasure as well as a dripping room.
"I feel in the mood to rape something. Craig, let me use you as a condom." Sanjay said as he wrapped the serpent around his meat serpent. Craig choked but he loved it and stayed on.
"Who to rape..." Sanjay thought out loud. Luckily, Craig spotted Noodman and his cat outside who was recording the entire thing. (Was it Noodman or his cat? You decide.)
Craig sounded off like a nuclear siren and alerted Sanjay of Noodman's presence.
"Ooh! I'm so excited!" Noodman said before Sanjay and his massive muscly complexion gripped him forcefully around the neck and pulled him though the glass in to the cum-stained room.
"Hrngg!! BDSM!! I like you boy!" Noodman said as he wet his pants like a piss tsunami.
"Huh??" Noodman said as he began running out of oxygen.
Craig tied Noodman to the wall and Sanjay looked for needles and old cum. He found the needle Craig and him had been sharing to do Mexican black tar heroin and took the cum out of the jar with a pony toy in it. Now, armed with a syringe of month old cum, Sanjay injected it directly into Noodman's femoral artery. Noodman had a bread seizure(?) before coming back to his senses, giving the boys enough time to do the dirty.
"It's chocolate time, Craig! Go fetch Noodman's chocolate!" Sanjay instructed Craig. Craig saluted before diving head first into Noodman's pink anus, flooding Noodman's face with love and making his body tremble with pleasure.
"Bro! The chocolate's got corn too! Goldmine!!" Craig mumbled from the pedophile's colon.
"Great one, Craig. Extract it and we can rape him to the grave. Fetch the necklace with the red ball from mother's bed stand."
"To the grave?" Noodman asked.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Sanjay yelled with primal fury before punching him in the face so hard that any teeth that didn't fly out were cracked and flew into the back of his throat.
"Mmm! I wike dhe ideah ov totuwe pown!" Noodman said, rearing his booty for more. Sanjay shoved his fist all the way to Noodman's Large Intestine, extracting Craig who, once out of the meaty cave, threw up 8 tons of corny shit.
The dynamic trio of Noodman's Cat, Sanjay, and Craig began to scarf down all of the brown gold until their tummies were full (to the point where they look like those hot photos of Sonic inflation). Noodman was kind of sad that he didn't get to eat any, but he got to receive butt stuff, so that was fine. Once the boys and cat finished their Sunday lunch and discussed the illegitimacy of the state of Israel, they turned back to Noodman's bleeding anus and desecrated mouth. Craig tried to get some oral from Noodman with his 8 foot cock but all his mouth did was scratch up his peepee with his broken teeth. He started cleaning up his mouth like how a janitor peels gum from under a table and had a perfectly lubricated bloody mouth with none of those disgusting teeth.
"The ritual is complete. Craig and Lady Butterscotch, probe the mouth. I will extract the pleasure taste from his soft rapehole." Sanjay said.
The boys and cat began ramming Layman on all fronts. Noodman screamed in unholy pain because the size of Butterscotch, Sanjay, and Craig's erect cocks went straight through him and met tip to tip. Noodman threw up acid and blueberries which burned Buttercup's futa cock (But not Craig's because his is acid-resistant) putting her in a state of rage. She pulled out and ejaculated in Noodman's eyes with her sour cum (because all Noodman has been feeding her for her entire life is blueberries) and burned Noodman's eyes. Once she came, she slashed Noodman's eyes out and permanently blinded him.
"JESUS FUUUUUUUUCK" Noodman screamed and pleaded for the boys to stop. The boys were too busy raping him as well as watching Fortnite Funnies #7 to care about his pleas for help, so the hell continued for Noodman.
"Hey guys, drink this! It's G A M E R F U E L." Sanjay handed Craig and Butterscotch a can of energy drink called Gamer Juice and they all had a toast to the devil. The juice not only got Butterscotch in the mood again but supercharged all of their cocks and balls, loading them up with gallons of cum and giving them the thrusting force of an elephant and the cumming force of twenty horses.
"SHOW ME MEEEEEERCYYYYYY" Noodman begged, but soon he could not speak because his mouth exploded with twenty whole tonnes of cum, blasting his teeth right out and falling unconscious from the pain. He was abruptly woken up by Sanjay who slapped him on the face, said,
"YOU CAN'T GET AWAY THAT EASY," and proceeded to rip off his lower jaw. One last squirt was enough to kill the poor bastard, ending Noodman's life in a bloody, cum-endured explosion of gibs, bones, and other body matter. Now, with no sex toy, the trio went into hibernation, waiting for their mom to come home with hot pockets in hand.

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