An in-depth showcase of our stupidity

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(The picture above is the poster that Cat made for Ricky's Bible btw :3)

Hello fellow citizens of Fangirl Land!!!

What is cracker lacking? (Okay I'll stop)

So just a disclaimer before we begin: This chapter is going to be very random and chaotic. If you experience a stupidity overload, please swiftly exit in an orderly fashion. Thank you, and enjoy the ride.

Okay so pretty much, a couple of weeks ago I think (I honestly don't know, I have no sense of time) during our history lesson, my friends- Cat, Nancy, Noodles and I decided to make a list of all the weird and wacky things we said and discussed. A lot of them will probably make zero sense to anyone but us, but I thought I'd share anyways. I hope you enjoy!! :3

Here's a little heads up, just so all this makes (a little) more sense:

Cat = Cateye992

Nancy = How2BanIntrovert

Noodles= A huge disappointment because she does not have Wattpad, incredibly rude I know

Seal = me lol :3

These are not our real names btw. I am still yet to discover anyone who is so mentally unhinged that they would name their child "Noodles" or "Seal" (But no shade to anyone who has, I respect your bold creativity :3)

Okay, let's get cracking shall we!!!

Things we devised from our history lesson 31/10/19: (which I am now realising was quite a while ago, lol sorry)

By Seal, Noodles, Nancy and Cat :3

- Seals are very complex characters

- Queenie smells like vanilla roses

- Queenie is a fictional carrot

- Seal and Cat are the British bois 2.0

- Silky boi

- Ricky lost his Bible

- Ricky needs his Bible

- Ricky loves his Bible

- Cat likes kneecaps

- Cat's pointy shoe is very irritating

- Silky boi is a pain

- Nobody needs frequent updates on when Seal needs to pee

- Seal's emails are giving her indigestion

- Ricky is sad because he doesn't have his Bible

- Nancy is refusing to look for Ricky's Bible

- Nancy is being very disrespectful to Ricky

- Ricky wants to go to Church to pray for his Bible

- Nobody wants to take Ricky to the Church

- Ricky was depressed so he revealed that he was non-binary

- Silky boi is also being disrespectful to Ricky

- Cat made a poster for Ricky's lost Bible

- Nancy is more viscous than she appears (sometimes)

- Cat is a signpost sentence

- Seal thinks that elk is a kind of tree

- Seal thinks that Fletcher is an elk

- Seal is an intellectual

- Newt has a flute

- Newt has very nice boots

- Newt has newts

- If Newt had newts, they'd be called Newt's newts and they'd play flutes that belonged to Newt, as well as Newt's newts

- Cat should not be in charge of naming islands

- "What if Newt played tennis?" ~ Nancy

- "What the hell are we doing?" ~ Nancy "That is the greatest mystery of all" ~ Seal

- Reeves reads tea leaves

- Tongue twister battles are fun


Ummmm... well, I have no comment. 

I honestly don't even know anymore.

So, based on this extensive list, it can be concluded that:

1. We are very diligent students

2. We always listen and do all our work in class

3. We always pay attention to the teacher

4. History is a very engaging subject where we learn loads of interesting new things

5. Our classmates (and probably the teacher) think we r complete weirdos (honestly can't say I blame them)

6. And also that we need some serious help

However, it still somehow gets weirder.

Okay, so we also made these other nicknames for each other, which I'm sure, you are all dying to know. However, they only make (slightly more) sense if you know the entire backstory and origins of each nickname.

So allow me to break it down for you:

So, Cat is known as Pointy boi because during class she always does this weird tapping thingo on her chair with her foot. And because I sit next to her, she always pokes me with her pointy shoe and it is very irritating so I always say "Stop hitting me with you pointy shoe!!" which is where the nickname Pointy boi came from. We r very weird, I know.

Noodles is known as Silky boi. This is literally just because her arms are really silky and we like to stroke them a lot coz they feel really nice and soft. It's not as creepy as it sounds, I promise. (okay.... well maybe it's a little creepy, but that's besides the point)

And then I am known as Elk boi, which basically all started because Cat wouldn't shut up about this "really good" book she was reading. So pretty much while she was waffling on about how amazing this book was, I decided to grab it off her desk and read some, to see what all the fuss was about. So I started reading the first page of the book (It is called The Novice btw) where this Fletcher dude was out in the forest hunting a young elk. And so, being the incredibly intellectual human that I am, I yelled- very loud in the middle of class mind you- "Isn't elk a type of tree? Why the hell is he hunting a tree, that's a bit stupid isn't it? It doesn't even move!" Then ignoring the incredibly strange and concerned looks we were receiving from the teacher and the rest of our classmates, Cat and Noodles proceeded to tell me how stupid I was, and that "An elk is a deer you complete idiot." So yeah, that is why I am now known as the most majestic one of them all: Elk boi.

Sadly, Nancy was not originally a part of this conversation (much to her dismay I'm sure), coz she was on the other side of the classroom being all alone. So therefore, she does not have a nickname. (Incredibly tragic, I know)

But she eventually came over to us, and peace and harmony (not so much in the teacher's case) was restored within the universe once more.

And yes, I am now also contemplating the purpose of my existence.

Ur welcome,

The End.

Okay, so I think that is officially enough weirdness for ya'll to handle right now.

So until next time...

Seal out!

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