Elica Val-Deus

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She is from the future time of 2070 DK and she is the daughter of the brilliant scientist Doctor Ivan Val-Deus who among other colleagues worked on a project called 'Freedom Earth'. Not much was known about it but the name which was spread amongst information pools and traded by so to speak freelance brokers to penny pleasure pockets of parties interested when whatever it was exactly had hit shelves.

In this time period, the world is ruled by one person known as King. The once terrorist turned hero in the wake of the S.O.P global stability census to which security meant absolute control.

That was when no one was allowed freedom even when they were assured with clean streets and "good news from around the world" as it was the propaganda spread by the news feeds all bought by the crown in favour no less of it when in fact where moral compasses were thrown out a long time ago, flattery was the trait of the defectors from the previous status quo. For no war was waged but the invisible hand of surveillance followed the strong arm of justice in no form of conduct like the past all though now in place after the day known as CHAOS FLASH, where, like the phoenix Daiga rose from the ashes. That was the instant when the world was reassured of two things

Cruelty had ended... and...

Tyranny had begun

King is feared by all and he thoroughly destroys anyone in his path but like his own blood of his body he cannot live long if cut too deep and that is the doctrine of the resistance HEDDOC fighting the hypocrisy of his rule.
There was no such thing as getting in too deep

Over the past 6 years a close game is played between the crown and fools and they who got even a mere glimpse of the man-if he one at all, would say he is no one anybody would know. From what anybody would say is that he wore a cloaked gothic visage contrary to his regal status or even from what others would recall from his first appearance by the name of that of a soldier. A black metal mask with piercing red eyes gave way to rumor and the craziest stories about him came from the opinionated fact that he hid a sacred face and body underneath all his shroud.

In the past where they were, nations are no longer lead individually and even then that was already a frail system well before the private military network that was SOP took control. They who were weaker had a puppeteer by the nature of politics, whether of intentional purposes or all well and good comradery thought beneficial at the moments necessary but peace was always proven to be paper.
Three empires and between them 13 cities built was the world now
Vex, Mars, and Jubilee to each a shining tower built unique and stood as iconic even. Overlooking all to greet the new horizon though the old ones had a way of transcending
Elica witnessed the world coming to this age when she was just nine, a year before the event that lit up the eastern seaboard and since then she could never sleep without the image of the white blanket sky.

Her life was revolved around her father's work and that meant she was never one place for too long but in recent months they have taken up residence for the foreseeable future in Jubilee capital having a moment in tranquillity. It was expected of Elica as the daughter of an esteemed citizen such as the doctor to contribute to society and she was often well received though one other thing about her was outstanding though un-apart from her beauty; praise her loving father gives to his child.
She had a length of hair in the colour of a unique aquatic shade of blue and what Daiga had proven on that brightest day was that man was capable of little when an X factor is introduced.
These cases were rare and dismissed over the years but early science has encountered minuscule measures and to the date of DK have all but been dismissed entirely.

Elica believed she was no one special and that her father spoke the truth to her each time that she would be safe as she arose from the nightmare swallowing her whole.

Until one day the real world became her fears as many others when rebels took over a capital express train which she was one of 1500 people aboard. The hijackers planned to derail and cripple a central power grid to the city for a staged attack to invoke the crown.
This was her first encounter with a rebel soldier named Tom for it was but a week later after the failed attempt that her father was publically warranted for his arrest for conspiring with the HEDDOC.

Her family was called into question thereafter by pairs of academic and social acquaintances along with being judged so verbally from media like the late-night satirical programming in comedic slander. To defend a traitor to society was just as criminal and Elica had no rights to even see him or speak to her father so she had no other choice but to front ridicule and mockery which was not without shame as the many works he has done were seized, destroyed or used against him as a part of investigations, further planting seeds of villainy on a good name.

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