Chapter 10

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Niall was happier than he had been in years. Harry and him had been spending every day together over the past few months, and he was loving every minute of it, but he was wondering why Harry was acting so strange around him. Niall was worried that he had done something to upset him, or worse. He wondered did Harry know his secret. It was the only thing he kept from Harry. Not that he wasn’t comfortable with the fact that he liked guys, he just didn’t want to make things awkward him. There was more to it than just being gay, he was in love with Harry. Ever since their night at Disneyland watching the fireworks, watching Harry’s amazement, he saw Harry in a different light. He thought Harry was the most beautiful soul he had ever saw. Those chocolate curls, his forest green eyes. Harry was perfection to him. Sadly Niall felt that he wasn’t good enough for Harry, besides Harry was straight, he wouldn’t have a chance anyway. He was so scared for Harry to find out. He had this gut feeling that if he knew it would destroy their friendship for good, and he couldn’t let that happen he had just gotten Harry back. He knew Harry wouldn’t care one bit that he was gay, but the rest would send him running. Niall knew that he couldn’t his true colors from Harry for much longer though, he was sick of lying to him about it. “I have to tell him” he thought to himself, and that’s what he decided to do, he would just leave out the fact that he falls even more in love with him every day.  Niall pulled out his phone, and began to text Harry.

“Hey Hazza”


“What are you doing?” He asked.

“Walking around hbu?”

“Nothing, do you mind if I join you. I really need to talk to you”

“I need to talk to you too, lets meet up at the entrance of our building in 15”


Niall met Harry, and they went on their walk. His mind was racing, he knew he couldn’t back down from what he was about to do. The thought of it made him tremble, but he knew it was the right thing to do. He couldn’t keep hiding it from Harry.

Harry was jittery, what did Niall need to talk to him about?  Did he figure out his feelings? Harry was terrified. He knew he needed to hell Niall about his self-discovery, he just didn’t know how Niall would take it, but he had to tell him. The only thing he wouldn’t confess was his feelings, he knew that it would ruin them.

The found themselves approaching a bench and decided to sit and talk.

“So what did you need to talk to me about?” Harry finally asked.

“Well, umm… I have something I need to tell you, and its kinda hard to say.”

“What I have to say isn’t easy either” Harry said.

“You go first” Niall said

“No, You”

“How about this, we will both say our thing at the same time, and whichever seems more important we will discuss first. Not that your problem isn’t as important as mine, and mine as important as yours.”

“Okay on three.” Niall said.

“I’m Gay..” They both said simultaneously.

“Did you just say what I think you said?” Harry asked.

“Yeah did you?”


The boys looked at each other stunned for a few moments, they couldn’t believe what the other had just said. Harry wondered if everything his mom said was right. Niall had no thoughts, he was just completely stunned. He hadn’t anticipated this happening.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Harry finally asked.

“It just never came up”

“So why tell me now? Are you like in a relationship?” He asked.

“I just got sick of it being hidden, I am 100% single, you would be the first person I told if I did.” Niall said, and smiled.


“Wait, Hazza why didn’t you tell me until now?”

“Well, I just figured it it not too long ago.”

“Oh.”  Said Niall.

Over the next few hours the boys sat, and talked. About if they were out to family, and friends, everything except the one thing they both wanted to say each other, but Harry was having a hard time keeping it in. Niall was being 100% honest with him, but he wasn’t being 100% with Niall.

“It’s getting late.” Niall finally said.


“See you tomorrow?”

“Duh.” Harry said with a smile.

The boys leaned in to hug, before they went on their own ways. Harry could feel Niall’s warm breath on the back of his neck. It made his skin crawl. Niall wanted this embrace to be more than just a hug, but he knew if he did what he wanted so badly to do, Harry would go running.

“Nialler?” Harry said after a moment.


It was then Harry did the most impulsive thing he had ever done in his whole life. Something he could never change. He leaned in, and kissed Niall. His lips were as soft , and as silky smooth as he imagined. They both pulled away, and Niall just looked at him stunned. They stood there for a moment Just Staring.


Friendship Never Ends: Narry Saga Book 1Where stories live. Discover now