Chapter 67

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The group kept up their quick pace, only eating a few pieces of bread each for lunch. The sky grew darker and darker, and only when Xiao Sa saw that the people who had not yet developed abilities were frozen stiff, their bodies almost turning blue, did he finally order them to find a place to rest.

Fortunately, houses were very easy to find even if they were soon to be flooded by heavy snow; they just needed to clean it a little to stay there. People were full of energy knowing that there was a place to rest. The first thing Bai Jing did upon entering the house was to take out the generator. Rushing on the road and yesterday's playing was different. Riding on the sledges with the biting cold wind coming in, although there was a windshield, how could such a small area manage to block the cold coming in from all sides?

Bai Jing firmly believed that it was impossible to make the horse run without letting it eat grass. There was still a warmed up house in the evening, thick quilts, a bowl of hot soup, and a few small dishes and rice. Everyone sighed in appreciation, thinking of the days before where they had only been eating dry food. Once Young Master Jing woke up, their quality of life has risen sharply, and it simply could not be compared. In everyone's heart, their respect towards Bai jing rose again.

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Leng Han and Sister Lian only discovered now that the group in front of them had originally been divided into two groups. In addition to the people on Xiao Sa's side, Bai Jing's forces also could not be underestimated. Although he did not have many people by his side, each and every one of them were ability users, and they had all had backgrounds as highly trained bodyguards.

Sister Lian's heart sank. She had originally never intended to underestimate them, but now she was even more cautious. Although the world was now in chaos, the government system had not collapsed, and the military and political forces had already joined hands. This made her think of Bai Jingcheng, who was also an important figure of the country no matter how one looked at it. With this kind of support, and adding on the weapons they had in their grasp, she and Wenhua would be unlikely to be able to gain any advantages against them.

Sister Lian tossed and turned all night, and the next day everyone continued on the way. At noon, they arrived in Pingyuan County. Sister Lian hurriedly said goodbye to Xiao Sa, the meaning in her words clear. She claimed to need to discuss things with her husband, but the softening of her tone could not be missed.

Xiao Sa's indifferent nod and uncaring attitude made Sister Lian rather more anxious. Leng Han saw this and raised his brows. After getting along with him yesterday and today, he could be certain that his investment this time had been the correct choice.

After Sister Lian left, Xiao Sa did not find a place to rest, but directly took people to the high security prison. Pingyuan County was as its name implied – L Province had always had many plains. The high walls of the prison and the severe and solemn buildings were very conspicuous, and could be seen at a glance even from a distance. Even if everything was covered in a thick layer of snow, it still attracted people's attention.

No matter how many people's hopes had been destroyed by this prison, or how many prisoners had been detained and how many people's freedom had been taken away and locked up in this prison, at this moment, it appeared like an excellent fortress to everyone.

Xiao Sa pointed into the distance, his voice calm and powerful, and his dark, icy eyes flashed with an inevitable determination. He gave everyone a subconscious feeling of confidence and strength as he said, "See there? In the future, that place will be the home we are going to build."

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