Chapter 95

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Xiao Sa parked the car a mere ten meters away from the other group, slowly opening the window and raising his eyebrows slightly as though he hadn't noticed the tension in the air. He spoke calmly, "We've just come from Phoenix Mountain. Which base do you guys belong to?"

The more relaxed he was as he spoke, the tenser the other party's bodies became. The young man who had just spoken smiled as he came forward, his gaze unreadable as he assessed them, "Brother, you shouldn't boast. At least think a little before you speak. Who doesn't know that there was a raging inferno on Phoenix Mountain? There isn't a single inch of grass left within a hundred miles. Did you guys really come from there? You aren't deceiving us, right? With just the two of you..."

His obviously doubtful tone made it seem as though he half believed them, and didn't elicit their immediate displeasure. His intonation was lightly joking, and every expression and word was delivered perfectly.

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Bai Jing gave him a bland smile, and his voice tapered off as he spoke. This fellow was still a little too inexperienced with his obvious suspicion and probing questions, but with his enthusiastic baby face, it really invited others to relax their vigilance.

"What do you want to know?" Bai Jing's eyebrows flicked upwards. His cool voice was extremely arrogant and carried traces of condescending scorn. Other than when he faced Xiao Sa, his temperament was as haughty as ever.

Xiao Sa massaged his forehead, his gaze full of indulgence and helplessness. He didn't care if Little Jing helped him by drawing all hateful attention to himself, but if possible, he still hoped to avoid trouble. To tell the truth, he actually appreciated the mercenaries in front of him, and he didn't feel any antagonism towards them. After the apocalypse, the strong preyed on the weak, and the people in front of them were strangers they'd never met before. Only those who had a problem with their heads would ignore a fat sheep if they encountered one, and if the people they had chosen to target hadn't been him and Little Jing, Xiao Sa felt that he would've been happy to watch the excitement.

The expression of the person who had come over changed. Bai Jing's disdainful attitude made him feel embarrassed, and his smile almost froze on his face. A moment later, reason overcame his emotions, and he flashed a bright, flawless smile, "Hey, hey, you guys could tell? Relax! I don't have any bad intentions and was only worried when I saw that the two of you were alone. Where are you headed? Do you not have any companions? Do you want to come with us? We're part of the Cheetah Mercenary Corps based in K City Base. My name is Li Xiang."

Bai Jing pouted and didn't reply. Li Xiang's words sounded good, but in fact, didn't he just want to keep a close watch on them and conveniently try to dig up more information? If they seemed easy to bully, this group would rob them, and if they couldn't be provoked, they'd become friends with them. This left them with room to advance or retreat.

"Alright!" Xiao Sa nodded and agreed. There was no such thing as permanent enemies or friends. Since he and Little Jing were newcomers, they weren't familiar with the land and didn't understand the distribution of rights in K City's base. Instead of going in alone, it was better to follow the mercenaries. And as for any ill intentions they might have, he didn't take it seriously at all. In the face of absolute power, he believed that if the Cheetah Mercenaries were as cautious as they appeared, they would know what was the best route for them to take.

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2020 ⏰

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