The Cat's Meow (neko!Dex X annoyed!Reader)

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"(Y/NNNNNNNNNNN)!!" Dex whined from his room, laying on his back in bed.
You have been doing some chores upstairs, and you could swear that Dex was trying his hardest to purposefully disturb and distract you by calling your name, tilting the paintings or knocking things down.

To say that you were starting to get annoyed with him was an understatement.
You honestly didn't think you were capable of tolerating his obnoxious shenanigans of borderline-douchebaggery, and to be completely honest with yourself, you were reaching the end of your rope.

"(Y/NNNNNNN)~! Can you heeeear meeee~?" Dex drawled loudly from his room again, tail whapping on his bed and making light thumping sounds which were slightly muffled by his Dr Who throw cover.

"Oh for frick's sake..." You grumbled, placing down your cleaning supplies and storming to his room, shoving open the door.

"What?! What do you want?!" You snapped, as the neko android albino gave you a smirk of triumph, making you blush lightly despite your curt expression.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in~" the bionic Bostoner purred, still smirking as you glared at him.
Gently kicking the door shut, you still wore a scowl as you glared at the neko android.
Living in the manor with him and his family was interesting, you'll give them that, but was it worth staying with a plastic pr*ck?

"I had to run from the other side of the god damn manor. What the hell do you want?" You spat, making Dex's ears twitch and fold back slightly.
"Dude, chill" Dex responded, rolling his eyes and lying on his tummy on the bed.
"Can't a guy spend time with his favourite human?"

"Favourite human?" Your blush went darker as you parroted his words back to him.
"Yeah, fleshbag. Not hear me? Do I need ta get a megaphone or somethin'?" He laughed, smirk still on his lips.

Narrowing your eyes slightly, you took in the details of his handsome face, his icy blue eyes big and innocent.

"Whatever...did you call me in just to flirt with me?" You sighed, rubbing between your eyebrows to ease the migrane that was coming on, your (e/c) eyes closed briefly before you looked at him again.
"Maaaaaybe~?" He cooed, laying on his back again and looking at you upside down.
This flattened one of his ears while the other stuck straight up.
"I just think you're....purr-fect, kitten~" he responded.

With a scoff, you rolled your eyes, leaning against the door.
Was he meaning what he said, or was this just a big joke?
Judging by the grin on his face, you were more likely to believe the latter.

"Oh, I see. This is funny to you..." You said sulkily, looking away.
Your tone sounded a little...disheartened.

"What's funny, cool cat~?" He had the audacity to ask.
You could hear the gentle thump on the ground as his black Nikes made contact with the carpet.

"You know perfectly well what's funny!" You replied, stomping your foot childishly.
"It's like almost every conversation with you, Dex! You keep flirting with me for your own damn gain, ya make me run to you for no reason, you constantly prank me or make fun of me, and you have the nerve to ask what's wrong or what's funny?! God, it's like you wanna play around with my feelings or something!" You ranted, Dex's smile slowly dwindling.

"What? Can't have fun with ya no more? Is that what you're sayin'?" Dex asked, visibly a little more tense than earlier.

"Playing with my emotions is FUN?!" You growled.
"(Y/N), I didn't mean it like that" Dex argued, hands open in an almost shielding motion as his cat ears lay flat against his hair.
He rolled his eyes and sighed heavily.
"Look, maybe we-" he started before you cut him off.

"Don't talk your way out of it! I've seen the looks you've given other guys and girls, Dex. Don't try and deny that! I should have known I wasn't good enough for you..." You sighed, tears welling in your eyes.

"Wait, what?" Dex looked stunned.

"Whatever...forget I said anything. You just....go back to whatever you were doing" you sighed, hands in the pockets of your (f/c) hoodie.

With a hiss of frustration, a hand latched out and yanked you back into a warm body.
Soft sillicone lips pressed gently but firmly against yours, making you melt into the kiss after a second or two.
Your arms wrapped around his shoulders, you kissed back.

When the kiss was broken, Dex was looking back at you with a guilty pout.

"'M sorry about makin' you feel pushed out..." He said.
"You're more than good enough for me, (y/n). You're the perfect (guy/girl) anyone could ask for" he added, looking into your eyes lovingly.
You swore you could feel his tail wrapping around your wrist gently, the sensation and his words shocking you into silence.

"Can ya forgive a dumb cat-bot? And maybe....go out with me?" He asked, tilting his head a little in a hopeful manner.

A soft smile played on your lips, and you nodded.
"Sure I can, Dex" you replied.
"Was hoping you'd ask that someday, *sshole" you joked with a half-laugh.

Dex gave a chuckle, nuzzling into you.

As you embraced were quite certain...he was purring.

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