Hot Cocoa (Sprocket x Atom)

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*A/N: A little something for my friend feferi_piexes01
Hope you enjoy! :D*

"Hubble, bubble, toil and trouble.
Stove-top burn, and kettle bubble" Sprocket said to herself as a joke, prompting a small giggle as she carefully twisted the knob on the stove to adjust the temperature.
She hummed along to the tune on the radio, walking to one of the cupboards, standing in front of the counter while the kettle was beginning to boil, looking for a mug of some description.
Finally setting eyes on a blue mug with a skateboard on it, she carefully took it down to not knock any of the other mugs over, before closing the cabinet.

Not long after that, the mechanical brunette took out a big red tin that had been slightly dented, the plastic top had a few scratches and marks, but was still functioning very well.
She was pleased that it was a discounted one; besides, if she didn't buy the products in dented and scrunched containers -within reason- nobody else would, or so it seemed.
She cracked open the red barrel-like tin, the plastic lid falling to the side of it with a "smack!" on the marbled counter.

The smell of the contents was intoxicating, the automaton female making a grab for her silver spoon to stir up the contents in order for it to be easily scooped up and place into the ceramic mug without either bending the spoon or accidentally sending a sandstorm of chocolatey powder into her optics. Though she had no retinas, that wouldn't mean it wouldn't be a pain to get out of, not to mention she was wearing a white t-shirt with Harley Quinn on it.
Last thing she wanted was to give Miss Harley an accidental blast of chocolate face powder.
A soft chuckle came from Sprocket's mouth, the female robot stopping her actions for a second to imagine that scenario, before she continued scooping the contents into the mug.

With a chirping whistle, the kettle had come to boiling point, a tin hand reaching to turn off the stove before grabbing the heat-proof handle, the robotic appendages gripping the handle so the kettle wasn't dropped.
Sprocket poured some hot water and some milk into the big skateboard mug, putting the milk down to stir the concoction.
Lines of steam were coming off the drink, the robot continuing to stir until all the powder had been stirred in, the drink becoming a bit more thick and creamy. The smell coming off it was truly divine, triggering a happy hum of content from Sprocket.

Adding a swirly top of whipped cream, a few grated sprinkles of chocolate, and two fluffy marshmallows, Sprocket turned off the kettle, grinning. Looking at the sun rising higher and higher into the sky, she gave a small nod.
It was a beautiful sight, the golden rays making the frost on the glass panes and windowsill glimmer, a few early birds singing their morning song from the bare branches of the trees nearby, in the garden and around the neighbourhood.
She took hold of the mug's handle, and began her trek through the maze of hallways and staircases up to the room of another robot of the manor.

Sprocket was certain that she was the first one awake, not unusual, and all the humans were still asleep, in addition to the robots who were still recharging in stasis.
She hummed "W.I.N.K The Satellite" to herself on her journey to a room, stopping outside a rare door of the manor; there weren't many in the manor, though the teens felt it would be better to have their privacy with doors of any description. They knew it would be a challenge for Peter the Sixth to come to terms with the decision, better have safe places they could escape to without people looking in, not to mention it would be handy when they were hiding something.
After all, Sprocket and her family wouldn't take too kindly to having their possessions messed with or stolen, nor would they want someone to walk in on Christmas presents being wrapped and having the surprise taken in a matter of milliseconds.
Regardless of this wandering train of thought, Sprocket pressed on towards one of the doors to the back of the manor, that had a capital "A" and a paper drawing of two boys blu-tacked to the oak beneath the letter "A".

Giving a few gentle knocks, she heard a murmur from within, but no coherent reply.
Was Atom still asleep?
She creaked open the door, seeing the lump beneath the blankets slightly illuminated by the sun through the partially-drawn curtains.
A silver blush crept on her face, and she left the mug on the coaster left on the bedside table, writing on a sticky note and leaving it beside the mug, silently exiting the room and closing the door soon after.
She went back downstairs, to start the process again for herself, and to start the coffee machine up, just in case someone else came downstairs.

By the time Atom opened his eyes, the smell of hot chocolate made him stir and look over to see the -still steaming- mug beside his bed, and a note.

"Good morning, Atom!
Hope you enjoy this hot cocoa I made for you.

With any luck, it should keep you warm on this cold morning :3

Love Sprocket <3"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2020 ⏰

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