Chapter 12

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     Kirishima ran to his dorm and packed his uniform and a few other outfits. He was shocked by what he thought was his kitten had said. He did not want to be around him when he didn't have to be. He text his moms that he was on his way. He walked to his house and went to his room. He laid down on the bed and started crying. He did not know what to do the person he trusted the most the person that called him daddy had betrayed him. He just wanted to be in Bakugos arms but now he was not so sure he just wanted a bowl of ice cream, beer and sleep. He laid down and went to bed.

Kirishima woke up at 12:00 pm at first he  panicked then realized they had a long weekend and it was only the first day of it. Kirishima did nothing all day. He didn't want to do anything. Denki text him later that night.
⚡️Pichachu⚡️: Hey bro I heard what happened I am sorry man but you want to come to the bar with me and Shinso
🦈 Shark 🦈: Sure I will come with you and your loyal boyfriend just to get drunk and probably make bad decisions.
⚡️ Pichachu⚡️ : Great man see you there!!

Kirishima got out of bed did his hair and got dressed. It was like 8pm when Denki picked him up. He got in the back. He saw on the armrest Shinso and Denki were holding hands. He fought back some tears.

Later that night at the bar

So you know everyone was drunk within 20 minutes of being there they arrived at 8:30 it was now 9:30. Kirishima was drunk as fuck sitting in the corner thinking about what Bakugo said. He cried a little. Then he looked up and across the bar was a blonde male with red fiery eyes. It was Bakugo. Kirishima wanted to leave but knew Denki and Shinso would not want to leave and were probably in the bathroom fucking or something. He was uncomfortable. He cried more. Bakugo has noticed him but they had not made eye contact.  Kirishima wanted to leave he needed to leave he did not want to talk to Bakugo or anyone really. He called Mina. Surprisingly she was not off somewhere getting drunk and she agreed to come pick him up. He texted Kaminari that Mina had come picked him up.
Mina soon walked in Kirishima was very drunk so she helped him to the car. "So what happened" Mina asked Kirishima "Bakugo said he cheated on me" Kirishima said "That piece of shit" Mina exclaimed "Yeah but as soon as I saw him I knew I had to leave before he approached me" Kirishima said tears rolling down his cheek. "Well let's get you home" Mina said. Mina help Kirishima to his bed and tucked him in. "Now if you need anything call me ok" Mina said. "Ok thank you" Kirishima said as his eyelids got heavier and heavier then he fell asleep.

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