|Chapter 1|

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"wakey wakey :p"

Eliza felt her phone buzz from underneath her pillow. She picked it up. Of course. Alexander Hamilton. Her best friend since diapers. He had extremely good grades and was a very good writer. Whenever he wrote something he always let Eliza read it first. One of his flaws was that he woke up super early. Eliza hated it.

"dude it's 5 am >:0 go to sleep quill boy"

She heard her sister calling her name and put her phone in the pocket of the her sweatshirt that she had kept on from the night before. She walked down the hall into her sisters room.

Angelica was the oldest Schuyler sister. Her favorite color was pink. Her room was full of it. Pink walls, pink lights, pink posters, pink sheets, pink pillows, pink everything. She was basically a second mother to Eliza. Especially since their mother was off on a business trip with their father. Angelica was 17, in her Senior year of high school and was the most responsible out of the three sisters.

"Yeah?" Eliza said leaning against the door frame. "Can you go wake Peggy? I need to finish this up." She asked pointing at the rose Gold computer on her desk. "Mhm." Eliza responded already heading to her little sister's room.

Peggy was the absolute opposite of Angelica. She was irresponsible, hated the color pink, in fact her favorite color was yellow, and she hated everyone. Angelica would always say that she's going through her emo phase but Peggy would always respond with "It's not a phase." Peggy and Angelica didn't have the best relationship. They would always fight, argue, both verbally and physically. And if Eliza wasn't around, they'd probably kill each other. Peggy was an eight grader, even though, according to Angelica, she acted like a third grader.

Eliza walked up the yellow door with a "no trespassing" sign on it and knocked the secret knock Peggy had created when they were younger.

"Come in Liz." Peggy had responded.

She walked and and closed the door behind her. "Oh, you're awake" She looked at Peggy, who was on her bed with papers everywhere. "What're you doing?" She raised an eyebrow at her sister.

"Homework." Peggy said plainly. "Homework? Homework?! Miss Peggy Schuyler is doing homework?" Eliza exclaimed dramatically hugging Peggy from behind. "Stop it Liz." Peggy tried to sound serious but ended up giggling."By the way, can you ask your boyfriend to stop texting me? He's annoying." Peggy rolled her eyes. Eliza was puzzled. "Who? I don't have a boyfriend." "Hamilton." Peggy said matter of factly. Eliza gasped, "Peggy! He's not my boyfriend. He's my best friend. Also you should get ready for school." Eliza got up and started to walk out of the room. "Same difference." Peggy shrugged her shoulders.

Eliza headed back into her room and flopped down on her blue bed and pulled out her phone. 4 unread texts.

"aw lizzie that's mean ;~;"
"and technically it's 5:45 soo... ;)"
"besides it's school!"

Eliza laughed at Alexander. He had always been a big fan of learning and school. Eliza on the other hand, had not. She hated it. The people, the work, the teachers, everything.

"what's so great about school"

Eliza walked over to her balcony seat on her window sill. There were pictures taped on the wall and on the window. One of her favorite pictures was one of her and Alexander from Halloween in 8th grade. They had dressed up as their favorite characters from the musical Heathers. Eliza was Veronica and Alexander was JD. You could tell he was forced to do it, but he didn't mind.

Her phone buzzed.

"well I have most of my classes with you soo..

Eliza giggled.

"awh. ;)"

She put her phone in her pocket and smelled breakfast. She quickly changed into her school clothes and headed downstairs. She walked into the dinning room and saw Peggy and Angelica sitting at the table eating eggs and bacon. Angelica pointed at a plate and Eliza guessed it was hers. She sat down and quickly ate, wanting to go back upstairs to relax.

Once she finished she ran back upstairs into her room and flopped down on her bed. Her took her phone out and saw she had a text from a random number she didn't recognize.

It said:


A/N: okay it's still cringy but I think it's better than before.

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bye owo

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