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"Ohhh my head!" I moan as I sit up in bed. "Why do I have a splitting headache?" I stumble out of bed before realizing that I should stay quiet to avoid waking my adoptive mother.

Well, I won't say "adoptive". She certainly would, but I would call more of a kidnapping than an adoption. I suppose it is the witch way of doing things: kidnap some poor soul or trick it into doing your dirty work. I have to do all of her chores such as laundry, scrubbing out her cauldron, washing the empty potion flasks, and a few other things.

For example, last night she forced me to drink this awful tasting concoction so that she could see if it did anything. When I asked her what was in it she simply replied, "Oh, just some bones I found and a few other things." She made me drink bone juice! What kind of a crazy woman is she?

I tiptoe my way to the bathroom to make myself look presentable before she ran up the stairs and yelled at me. I carefully shut the bathroom door as quietly as I could and turned around, facing myself in the mirror. The sight nearly makes me scream in horror. The right side of my face is covered in green, scaly skin. While my left eye was still its beautiful purple color, my right is blood red with a reptilian, slit-like pupil.

What did she do? Did the bone juice do this? How dare she do this to me! I struggle to keep myself from crying out in rage. What do I do?

A strange thought crosses my mind. What if I just leave? I had never thought about this action before, too afraid to even consider it, but something has changed in me. I don't feel that fear anymore. I only feel ineffable rage and hatred for the witch who did this to me.

I burst out of the bathroom and make my way into the witch's bedroom. To my disappointment, she isn't there.

Wait, I think. This is a great opportunity. I can do whatever I want, and she can't do anything to stop me!

~ ~ ~

I had spent the next few hours tearing apart the entire house. All the sheets and curtains were in tatters. There wasn't a single plate or potion bottle left unbroken. In fact, I had used a few of the full potion bottles to create some beautiful abstract paintings by hurling them as hard as I could against the walls of the house.

I was drinking a potion of invisibility that I hadn't used as an art supply yet, when the witch finally came home to her now ruined house. I soon as I saw her, I dropped the empty bottle on the floor and bolted out the door while she was distracted by the shattering flask.

I'm not sure how far I ran from that horrid place. All I know is that I ran into a village that had apparently been attacked by the witch. I offered some men directions to her tower, explaining how she kidnapped me when I was eight years old and cursed me last night, turning me into the horrifying monster they saw before them.

I'm currently watching my old home burn to the ground thanks to these wonderful men. Apparently, they're bounty hunters who specialize in hunting down the supernatural. They offered to train me, saying that in a few short years, I could be off on my own with a way to make some pretty good money.

Overall, I think this was the best way to spend my thirteenth birthday. I'm finally free from that awful witch, and I have a career ahead of me. I can't remember I time I've ever been this happy.

Rage, Ruin, and Repair (a SupernaturalOrigins fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora