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I took it upon myself to write down everything I knew about everyone's past lives and achievements. Thankfully, Laura and Nicole had told me all of their adventures with all the supernatural during the days we were trying to get to know each other. I also spend a fair amount of time asking people about their stories in case they too were erased.

I buried Laura in the Moon Grove. It felt right. Xylo was pretty heartbroken about it. I told him the story of her death. I'm not sure if he believed me or not, but he let me attend her funeral anyway.

Not too long after that, Mitch died. To me, the saddest part about his death was that he died forgetting about his good friend Nicole who had tried so hard to bring peace to her first true friends. The second saddest part was the fact that Mitch never got enough time to truly get to know his daughter. From what I can tell, no one has forgotten Bri, but no one has seen her either or gotten to tell her that her father died.

My heart slowly broke as the people around me gradually disappeared. After hearing all of their stories, I really became their friends, but just when I felt like I had gotten to know someone, they were gone.

I've become I bit like Pierre in a way. I wandered around and became friends with everyone I met. Now, I still wander, but there is no one left to meet. As far as I know, everyone has either been erased or killed in the chaos of the Wild Hunt.

I went back to bounty hunting. It felt good to go back to my old ways. It's a familiar feeling that brings me a bit of joy in the midst of all my mourning. I'll go into human villages, and give them a bit of a scare with my appearance, before taking up the bounty of a dangerous criminal or something, earning a bit of coin that immediately goes into food and a room at the local inn. I obviously can't go back to hunting supernaturals, so the current bounties seem easy and almost boring in comparison.

I keep my journals on me at all times. I'm careful to make sure that none of them get damaged. I once met a library of sorts and offered to copy my journals for their collection. They happily agreed and put them in the section labeled "LEGENDS AND ANCIENT HISTORY".

I suppose this will be my life for all of eternity since I'm immortal now, and I'm okay with that. Well, there's always the chance that the supernatural will come back. I'm sure this isn't the first time the Wild Hunt has happened, and the supernatural somehow came back. Who's to say they won't return again?

Rage, Ruin, and Repair (a SupernaturalOrigins fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now