Crimson on the Run

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Ps : please correct any grammatical errors in this project. English is not my mother language.

Happy reading! ^^


"Pant... pant..."

A red haired silhouette ran through the rain. His coat is drenched heavily. His breath got heavier each seconds. But he couldn't stop running. By now.

"After him!!"

"Get him!!"

"Don't let him escape!"

Some people shouted a few metres behind him. Without looking back, he knew they were the members of the organization, who were chasing him since he wanted  to leave them and lives as a normal person. But he forgots one thing.

"Tch, still not giving up?!" he murmured. A second later, he noticed something and leaps backward. At the same time, three knives, that were shot towards him, were supposedly hit him but hit the ground instead because he dodged.

After landed on the ground safely, he stared at the knives for a few seconds, before he glared at a silhouette behind a tree that was not far in front of him.

"Do you think you can escape easily?" said the culprit while played a knife in his hand. "You know the rules right?; Every member who quits, or trying to do so, from this organization must DIE!!"

The man attacked the red-haired boy with his knife repeatedly, but dodged by the boy easily. Until one of his attacks teared his hood, revealing his face and long tied red hair. The red haired boy immediately leaps backward.

"Long blood-red hair like the eyes, I knew it. You are Erin, a well-known assassin with the nickname Crimson Blade. It is said that you killed your victims without mercy. We have met once or twice, right?" said the culprit while grinning. "I can't believe a merciless assassin like you wants to live as a normal person. Do you think people can accept you even after you quit and stop killing? Besides, a murderer will always treated as a murderer, right?"

Erin shocked. His words are right. But he could't give up even after he knew the truth.

"Tch, dammit...!" he cursed while taking a step backward. 

"There he is!" someone shouted.

In an instant, Erin was surrounded by the people who were chasing him earlier. Erin looked at his surroundings, cursing silently while gritted his teeth.

"Well, well. Look at you. Surrounded easily by low class assassins. Like a mouse in a trap. Are you the real Crimson Blade?"

Erin glared at him, then grinned. "Oh, so you want a proof, huh?"

Everyone that were surrounding him shivered in horror. Not because his words, but his voice and the aura that surrounds him.

"Attack him!"

After hearing that command, everyone attacked him at the same time. But, he suddenly dissapeared.

"Where did he go!?"


One of them was stabbed and died in an instant. The next second, a silhouette flashed rapidly and killed another person. 


"What the hell?! I'm out of--uwaaagh!!"


Without even given a chance to do anything, one by one those assassins died. Blood became one with the rain, dyed everything in that place crimson red. All of the low class assassins had become corpses.

The rain got heavier. Erin stood in the middle of the sea of dead corpses. He breathed heavily. His face, coat, and a kunai* in his hand also dyed by blood.

"Tch, useless!!" cursed the man while glared at the corpses. Without being realized by him, a bloody kunai was already put next to his neck. And the culprit was none other than Erin, who was standing in front of him. The kunai made a cut wound in his neck. Blood was dripping from that wound.


The man laughed maniacally. But Erin still showed a cold expression.

"So, you are really the real Crimson Blade. Sorry I doubted you. All of my subordinates were slained by you just in a few seconds. Such a beautiful scene of tragedy. You killed them all silently, like a dancing demon," the man commented, "Didn't you realize it? YOU KILLED THEM ALL LIKE A BLOOD THIRSTY DEMON! DO YOU STILL WISH YOU COULD LIVE AS A NORMAL PERSON? ONLY A MORON WHO COULD WISH LIKE THAT!" 



Erin coughed blood. He looked down, only to found the man's knife that was pierced through his chest. 

"Since... when...--"

The man pulled out his knife from Erin's chest. Erin's body collapsed. He tried to glare the man, but his vision started to get blurry.

"Besides, didn't I told you earlier? Everyone who quits must die." 

After the man said that, Erin faintly heard a cry. His body was shaked roughly. He couldn't see or hear clearly. Until everything went dark.

To be continued...

*kunai = a Japanese weapon knife that is usually used by ninjas. Or to be easily understood, a primary weapon in Naruto :v

Yooo! Aqua desu! XD

Thousand of thanks for all of you for reading this work of Aqua TvT

This is Aqua's first work in English, so, sorry if there's any grammatical errors or wrong statements. Aqua is bad at English, and English is not Aqua's mother language T^T

So, if you want to correcting the errors in this work, Aqua will happily accept it!!! XP

Aqua knows it's already too late to publicate this fanfic, but Aqua's fingers are not as cooperative as Aqua wanted (┛ಠДಠ)┛彡┻━┻

So, yup. That's all for this chapter.

Voment kudasai!


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