Chapter 1: Caught

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-Sakura's POV-

A few years later...

Touya, Kit and I were like siblings now. I had found out about my other quirk, Perfect Copy. Sure things were rough seeing as Kit and I were only 10 and Touya was 13 but that didn't matter. We pickpocketed the best of the best and got a lot of cash. We had hideouts all through the city and we also ran our own little business. With my quirk allowing me to hear anything withing 50 kilometres I had started to work as an info broker to the heroes whilst Touya or "Dabi" would infiltrate villain organisations and reveal info to me that then made its way to the heroes. Kit would often fake an injury if someone was tailing us, that way we knew without her pointing it out. We were still careful though, that was until...

"Shit..." I muttered. Of course, our luck had to run out now of all times. The Principal or better known as Nezu had managed to get through our firewalls and had locked onto our location before I got them back up again. He did message me, acknowledging my smarts but he had an IQ of 300 so I still wasn't good enough to stop him but I did put up a fight. I had been careless when I sent them the information of a new villain known as Kai Chisaki or Overhaul. The guy was still pretty young for a villain as he was only in his twenties.

"Why did they have to send EraserHead?" I sighed. Staying out of his sight. If he erased my quirk I'd be a sitting duck... thanks to my stepdad, that bastard! I locked eyes with Kit who was across the room from me, with Dabi. I had an idea that would get them to safety, but most likely get me caught. I focused on altering my voice and making it sound like it was coming from behind EraserHead.

"Well, I guess you found my hideout!" I say with a little laugh. Eraserhead spins his head around to see the man who was talking, of course, no one was there.

"Where are you, I'm too tired for games!" Eraserhead shouted. I nodded to my friends who were already escaping, any noise they made masked by my quirk. I was about to go out my side when Eraserhead caught a glimpse of my hoodie.

"What's a kid doing here?" He asked himself and went after me. "Hey, kid?" He tried to put a hand on my shoulder but I judo-flipped him onto the ground, knocking the wind out of him. He gasped and I leapt onto the window sill then leapt out onto the roof. I heard him coming after me and I used my quirk to mask any noise I made. I was lucky he didn't see my face.

"So I guess you're just short huh?" He said leaping up after me. I slid my mask on, a voice changer in it along with built-in glasses for a special time like this. What he didn't realise when he erased my quirk was that he also caused my mutant quirk to be unable to hide now. He saw the ears and tail appear and I was able to swiftly dodge his attacks.

"So, you have a quirk that hides your mutant one? That's pretty powerful..." He muttered.

"Why thanks Eraserhead! I don't see why you guys are trying to bring me in when I'm on your side though..." I sighed. If it weren't for the glasses in this mask I'd be at an extreme disadvantage. I just hoped that the others were safe now. I couldn't smell their scents anywhere nearby so I assume they are.

"And how are we sure about that? You have information on villains that not even our best detectives or investigators can find in years yet you find it in seconds-"

"So you're afraid of me eh? I assure you Shota that I am indeed on your side but are you truly on mine? I know Endeavor isn't, that brat should have gone to jail years ago but what about you?" I ask. Eraserhead seems shocked by my action and I take the time to pull out a gas bomb from my utility belt. I swear Kit designed this mask for any situation.

"And what do you mean by that?" He attempts to wrap me with his scarf but I dodge yet again.

"What do I mean by Endeawhore belonging in jail?" he nods. "Well he abuses his kids, his wife, he's nearly killed quite a few innocent people... the list goes on!"

Restart: Sound part 2 [BNHA AU] [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now