2. Bath Fever

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'H-Hajime!' Mikan's voice echoed through the halls of the hospital, much like the thud of her tripping over her feet and falling.
'Mikan! Are you okay?' Hajime burst through the door to see Mikan on the floor in a not so innocent position. He tried to help her up without acting like a creep.
'S-sorry Hajime, but I realised that those three must feel terrible with such a high fever. I-I mean, Nagito is all sticky. I can help Akane and Ibuki to clean but, um, s-since Nagito is a guy and I'm a girl, I-I just don't want to make him uncomfortable.' Hajime didn't really get what she was saying as she didn't get to the point. She continued, 'What I'm trying to say is, could you maybe help Nagito to wash? I-I mean if you don't want to I can always try and convince him into letting me help, its just-'
'Don't worry Mikan it's fine. You shouldn't be overworking yourself.'
'S-so your fine with it?'
'Of course.'
'Oh, t-thank you Hajime!' She was in tears and Hajime couldn't tell why. 'Um, if it helps, there are baths upstairs so you can, um, y'know sort him out? I'll go sort out the girls, t-thanks again Hajime.' With that Mikan ran down the hall, and Hajime waited a little longer to make sure she didn't trip again.

Hajime was bright red once what he had just agreed to made its way to his brain. He had to help Nagito Komaeda, the one who got Teruteru to kill Byakuya, wash. He figured he best get it over and done with, so he slowly walked up to the door to Nagito's room. Before opening the door, he reminded himself that Nagito had the Liar Disease, and that he could only lie. God, this would be interesting.

Once he opened the door, his eyes immediately laid their sight on the sleeping (or was it passed out?) form of Nagito. Hajime could hear every shaky breath that Nagito made. He really didn't want to wake him up, but he knew that Nagito would feel better if he had a wash. He, again, slowly walked up to Nagito and gently shook him.
'Nagito.' He whispered.
'Hm?' Hajime really didn't expect an answer first try, but he wasn't going to complain; the sooner the better. Once Nagito was fully awake, Hajime explained the situation, to make sure that Nagito was also fine with it. It was confusing when Nagito said 'No thank you' and it took Hajime a few seconds to remember that he had the Liar Disease.

With that, Hajime watched cautiously as Nagito insisted on being able to walk there himself. That clearly wasn't true though, as, as soon as he stood off the bed, he fell forward. Fortunately, Hajime reacted quick enough to catch him.
'Do you want me to carry you?'
With that, Hajime let Nagito lean on him as they began to walk to the bathroom(?) that Mikan had mentioned earlier. They stopped once they got to the main hall, and Hajime grew worried of Fuyuhiko. Where is he? Hopefully he didn't get the Despair Disease too.

Now at the bath, Hajime was growing more nervous each second. How do I... He couldn't even stand on his own, how is he going to get in the bath on his own?
'Yes Nagito?'
'Are you okay? I know having to help someone as amazing as me must be absolutely amazing.'
'It's fine, Nagito. I just... Do you think you could get into the bath on your own?'
Hajime would leave that for later, for now he needed to acctually get the water running.
'Do you want it warm or cold?'
So that ment... cold.

Once the tub was full, Hajime helped Nagito to untie his gown, and then looked away whilst he got in. Though, when he heard a loud splash, he felt he needed to turn around.
'Nagito! Are you oka-'
Nagito had pretty much fallen into the tub, rather than got in it. Maybe Hajime should have helped him? Nagito readjusted his position, slightly wincing, and sat up, pulling his legs to his chest.

'You okay?' A small nod was given and Hajime had to wonder whether body language was a lie too. 'Just let me know if your ever, uncomfortable.' He was honest, because if Hajime was this uncomfortable, he couldn't even begin to imagine how uncomfortable Nagito must have felt.

Nagito turned so his back was facing Hajime, and Hajime began trying to unknot his hair. Keyword: trying. When Hajime realised he wouldn't get anywhere trying to unknot Nagito's hair, he got back to his senses only to hear the boy laughing. Not his creepy laugh like in the first class trial; this one was really... kinda cute. That was what went through Hajime's head to make him as red as Mahiru's hair....was.

It was only once he took his fingers out of Nagito's hair that he missed the soft texture of it. So he began to play with it again. Nagito stopped laughing to turn his head a bit and look at Hajime, who still couldn't understand why 'cute' was the only word that came to his mind when he looked at him.
'Is something wrong Hajime?'
'You're really cute y'know.'
Now they were both silent, Hajime bright red, and Nagito even redder because of how pale his skin is.
'Nothing!' Hajime really couldn't deal with it, and forgetting where he was, he buried his face into Nagito's hair, which only made Nagito even redder (if that was even possible).

The next thing Hajime knew, was that Nagito had shoved his face into the water below him. Now Hajime was just plain worried so he pulled him back up out the water.
'Nagito what was that? Are you okay?'
'Sorry, can we stay now?'
Can we leave now. Hajime translated.
'Of course.'
Hajime once again turned to let Nagito get out and put a towel around himself. Hajime helped him to dry off and then let him get his clothes back on.

They began to walk back, but once they got to the stairs, Hajime could see the fear in Nagito's eyes. Not even bothering to ask, Hajime picked Nagito up, and it was probably for the best too, as Nagito passed out straight after. Hajime only smiled as he continued walking back to Nagito's room.

Once they were there, they, well, Hajime, found Mikan already there. Hajime went to put Nagito back down on his bed, and then back towards Mikan, but found that Nagito had a tight grip on his shirt. Hajime tried to remove it as carefully as possible, but he couldn't.
'Ah, um, Mikan. He won't let go.'
'T-that's fine. Maybe you should stay with him for a bit. I-I just wanted t-to make sure you were both f-fine.' Mikan rushed out the room after that, and Hajime found himself looking back at the white haired boy.


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