4. False Punishment ⚠️

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Hajime's POV
I was sat in the corner of the room. It was silent, save the chattering breaths from Nagito. It was around noon.


What? It's midday. That means it's not a morning or nighttime announcement. Then it must be... No!

*Ahem. Apologies students, but there is no murder yet.*


*So why the announcement? Well due to, um lets just say, problems, the current motive, the Despair Disease, is required to be cancelled so uh that'll be gone in a day or so. I'll be thinking of a new motive so look forward to it. Uupupupupupu~*

Wait the Despair Disease is being cancelled? Is it because of Nagito?

'Hajime! Did you hear? The Despair Disease is being cancelled!' Fuyuhiko yelled into the room.

Timeskip because im too lazy to write dialogg.

Now that Akane, Ibuki and Nagito no longer had the Despair Disease they were living normally on the island.

Hiyoko had acctually thanked Nagito once they got out, for almost dying and getting rid of the motive, and he was a little too calm about that aswell.

A Body has been discovered! Everyone please make your way to the Music Venue! After a certain amount of time as passed, a class trial will be held! Good Luck!*

What? But there was no motive. With that I ran to the Music Venue, and what I saw wasn't pretty. Hiyoko's body was suspended and tied to a pole. She had a cut on her neck, a critical wound, which would most likely be the cause of her death.

We all did our part investigating, and I found something, odd. A small piece of white hair. White hair?

Timeskip again to the class trial, u can see how lazy i am.

We were nearing the end of the class trail, all evidence pointing to Mikan, when what I found earlier came to mind.
'White Hair.'
'What was that Hajime?'
'Oh I said that out loud?' I could feel heat coming to my face.
'Yeah, now spill it.' Fuyuhiko demanded an answer, so I wouldn't disappoint.
'Well, near Hiyoko's body I found this,' I dug into my pocket to find it. 'A white piece of hair.'

Almost immediately, everyone turned to Nagito. He was the only one who had even remotely light hair.
'M-me? Y-you don't really think, that I'd attempt another murder with how suspicious you all are of me?' He seemed genuinely nervous.

'Well yeah of course you would! So spill it! How'd you kill Hiyoko?' Kazuichi was blaming Nagito as usual.
'I-I didn't I swear!' Nagito looked like he could cry, which made no sense. He never made this big of a fuss in the first class trial. Maybe he really didn't do it...

'Ahem, you have to vote now!'
'What? We haven't finished yet!' I protested.
'Well you can't take forever, so hurry up an vote!'
We have to vote, but we still have no idea who the killer is. By now Nagito was in full on tears, but that probably won't change that people will vote for him. I don't believe it's him, so I won't vote.

'Upupupupu~ You're correct, the culprit was Nagito Komaeda!'
'Huh?' Nagito's voice was a whisper, almost silent. Before he shouted that was.
''I have a very special punishment prepared for Nagito Komaeda, the Ultimate Lucky Student!
It's Punishment Time!'

No ones POV

He was pulled into a large space, with only a chair in the centre, which he was sat on. A rope held his hands immobile behind the chair. His eyes were clenched shut, tears constantly falling from them. It looked as though he was giving up.

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