The Sixth Reasons Why To Be a Dentist/Doctor

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1. Why am I want to be a Doctor?

It was began from my childhoold's time. My grandfather always sicked. He has cronic diabetic who made him went to hospital often. I am in playgroup at that time. I often absent from the classes and went to hospital with my family to visit my grandpa. "RSU Haji Surabaya" is one of the hospital that treated my grandpa. I met dr. Ipung Puruhito, Sp.PD the doctor who treated my grandpa. I got motivation from him to be a doctor. He is a doctor who got me impressed. He is so kind, gentle, smart, and generous. One of day, when my family's financial was went broke, he helped us to fulfill the hospital bill. He has invited us to his house too. He also gave other support for my family like motivation to stay calm with the existing conditions and be patient. Because of that's experiences I decide to be a Doctor someday.

2. Is it your passion to be a Dentist?

NOOO...! (KeKeKeKe :D). I have to be honest, right? As your know, I want to be a Doctor not Dentist. But, when my high school almost over, I went to consult to my counseling teacher, she didn't recommend the Medicine/Dentistry Faculty for me. She said because there are rarely alumni who can enter that faculty. But that reasons didn't make me discouraged. I still chose Medicine Faculty in my SNMPTN, but I failed. I always prays to Allah and He guide me to choose Dentistry Faculty in my SBMPTN. Alhamdulillah, I accepted. Now I am one of student in Dentistry Faculty.

3. What preparation do you have to enter The Dental School (or Medicine Faculty)?

Your best score in all major in Senior High School is the answer, especially in Biology, Chemist, Math, and Physic. But that isn't the real answer. The real answer is your believe, your effort, and your prayers to your God. When you want something, run for it, make it happen, make it to be real. But for my experienced, I went to courses in my Senior High School. I joined Tutorial Service Time and always carry on the problems. Accidently, I have some friends who smart and like to study together too. So we raced to solve the problem in Exam Preparation Book and corrected together. The conclusion is just focus in your Exam Preparation, do it with all your passion, do your best in SNMPTN/SBMPTN, don't forget prayers, and ask blesses from your parents.

4. What do you think about first impression in Dental School?

I think Dental School was easier than Medicine. But it's wrong!!! We have to study about head and neck, tooth, mouth, the disease from that region. We also study about Medicine major like systemic disease, the connecting between systemic disease and the effect in tooth and mouth, etc. Beside took some classes, we also have practice in laboratory and skill laboratory. When we took skill laboratory, it more exhausted that the other laboratory, like physiology, microbiology, pathology, and anatomy.

5. How can you survive in Dental School?

All major in Dental School not only teach you about studying alone, but you have to study together in some grups. It can include your classmate, your senior, or also your alumnus. Expecially in skill laboratory, you have to read the module book one day before your practice, doing some semi-practicing with your senior or alumnus about the activity in skill lab, and you can also watching tutorial video. It can help you to give simulation to understand what activity will you do for tomorrow. Read some text books and journals also help you to survive. The core is you're not only studying about reading but you also studying about practice.

6. What's your message for the people who want to be a Dentist or Doctor?

If you want to be a Dentist (or Doctor), you have to make up your mind and prepared how to survive in this faculty. Because we have to learn more than the others, we will learn about holding responsibility because we hold patient safety, and don't forget to prays no matter how busy you are.

By: Sunny Lee_01122019

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