The unexpected of life

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Week 1:
Life in hospital is humdrum and mundane. This is only a statement, but it became your sad reality for three weeks. There was nothing more painful than gazing at the plain white ceiling and wondering how many billions of seconds are going to crawl until the day of freedom will come.

Normally, your wounds would have healed much faster due to your doctor's quirk, but this time you were put on a waiting list. You figured that it was because of the INCIDENT.

How beautiful the hospital's garden is though! The sense of freedom draws you to the window and each and every day you take great pleasure in entertaining the sick kids with water shows made up on the spot.

"There is nothing more enlighting than seeing their smiling faces..." you say gently while wiping a tear.

Unfortunately, this moments usually end up with you being screamed at by a nurse because you got out of your damn bed.

You are not allowed to receive visits (not even from your parents!) until the third week, you are not allowed to play, to get out of bed, to sing (which you did anyways but in silence), to use your is the most intoxicating experience...and it would have been way worse if it wasn't for Toshi. His act of heroism was always making you feel proud that he's your friend.

"My dear friend...what are you doing these days? I bet you are training hard for the exam... Or perhaps coming up with a new hero game... Or...You may be missing my company too? Because I sure miss you, Toshi..."

Week 2:
Your mind is going bananas! You are still not allowed to use technology or get out of that room... The food is as unsalty as a dad joke and the nurses are just too silent and unempathetic...

Of course, you are showing no signs of sadness. You tried to cheer each and every single person you've met and you haven't complained about anything. Not even about the wounds that were kind of killing your sleep...

"Sleep? I shouldn't call it that way, I should be calling it "lay awake staring into the void while receiving excruciating pain from my body". Forget it. I'll just call it Lasvrepfmb, for short"

You chuckle to yourself realising you haven't lost your sense of humour.

"Halucinante in peace, dear" you say loud enough for the nurse to get frightened and make her way on the hallway.

On Friday, you finally decide to do something really illegal: to escape and go to the garden. Mwahaha!

How to escape? On the window of course! You just need to distract the nurses...

Usually their is one in your room every 15 minutes. You just need the right time to act and to be fast. Even though all your wounds still hurt like hell... but... it'll be worth the pain! You are not escaping without a purpose this time. A hero should be spontaine and kind so your plan, if it works, will bring joy.

Now you wait...You have been planning it for a week. The nurse is reading on the chair placed near your bed. She seems too bored to look at the girl who was as tense as a little tiger. Yas! That's the moment of truth! The nurse looks at her clock and gets up. Without giving you a second glance she leaves the room. You float out of bed taking the covers with you.

"These shall be the courtains of my great show! Geez... I really don't act my age" you mutter to yourself. "Well...Shame!"

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